A footer is an area located at the bottom of a web page, after the main content. We can use it to display copyrights, creation dates, and top-level navigation links. In this article, we’re going to learn how to use the Vuetify footer component to easily create footers for our web pages.
The Vuetify Footer Component (v-footer)
Vuetify provides the v-footer component for creating a footer. It functions as a container in its simplest form.
As you can see in the results of the previous example, the footer applies some padding to its content by default. We can use the padless prop to remove it:
Footers can display general information we want to be accessible from any web page of a website. We can use the Vuetify footer component (v-footer) to create them.
Elevation provides important visual cues about the relative distance or depth between two surfaces along the z-axis. Vuetify provides utility classes and props that allow us to easily set the elevation of an element without using creating custom CSS styles.
An elevation helper will customize the shadow elevation of an element when applied. There is a total of 25 elevation levels:
A lot of Vuetify components have an elevation prop for easily setting the elevation.
In the code example below, we use the v-hover component and the v-card elevation prop to change the shadow elevation when the user hovers over the card with the mouse:
For an element without an elevation prop, we can apply one of the elevation helper classes on it to customize the elevation. The classes are of the format elevation-{value}, where value is the elevation level.
Vuetify provides elevation helpers that let us control the relative depth between two surfaces along the z-axis. We can do this by setting the elevation prop on supported components, or applying one of the elevation utility classes.
We listen for events in an application in order to perform certain actions when they occur. For example, we can display content or fetch data when a button is clicked, a key is pressed, a text input value is changed, and so on. In this article, we’re going to learn how to handle events in Vue apps to enable interactivity.
Listening for Events in Vue
To listen for an event, we pass the handler to a v-on directive attached to an element, for example:
<button v-on:click="handler">Click me</button>
We can also use the @ symbol for a shorter syntax:
<button @click="handler">Click me</button>
There are two types of event handlers in Vue: inline handlers and method handlers.
Inline Event Handlers
To create an inline event handler, we pass inline JavaScript that will be executed when the event is triggered. For example:
Method event handlers are what we use when we have more complex logic spanning multiple lines of code. We pass the name of a method defined on a Vue component to use it to handle the event.
Vue provides event modifiers that allow us to separate our data logic from event-related logic. For example, the .prevent event modifier eliminates the need to call event.preventDefault() in the event handler method:
The .exact modifier lets us control the exact combination of system modifiers needed to trigger an event:
<!-- this will fire even if Alt or Shift is also pressed -->
<button @click.ctrl="handleClick">Button</button>
<!-- this will only fire when Ctrl and no other keys are pressed -->
<button @click.ctrl.exact="handleCtrlClick">Button</button>
<!-- this will only fire when no system modifiers are pressed -->
<button @click.exact="handleClick">Button</button>
Mouse Button Modifiers
Mouse button event modifiers will only call the event handlers for specific buttons. They are:
We can listen for events in Vue by passing inline code or a method handler to the v-on directive for the event. We can apply various modifiers to an event to further customize event trigger conditions.
A Vue method is a function associated with every Vue instance and created with the methods property. We can use them to perform certain actions when the user interacts with an element, like clicking on a button, or entering data into a text input. Read on to find out more about how to define and use Vue methods.
Creating a Vue Method
To create a method, we assign an object to the method property of the Vue instance. Each key of the object passed corresponds to a method name.
We can access a data property with this.{propertyName}, where propertyName is the name of one of the properties returned from the data() method. For example:
Vue methods can accept arguments like normal JavaScript functions. We can pass arguments by calling the method directly in the template with the parameter values:
We can define methods on a Vue instance by passing an object to the methods property. Vue methods are similar to JavaScript functions and allow us to add interactivity to our Vue apps.
A bottom sheet is a customized v-dialog that is anchored to the bottom of the screen, like a v-bottom-navigation. They are primarily used on mobile and can contain supplementary information and actions. In this article, we’re going to learn how to easily create and customize bottom sheets with the Vuetify bottom sheet component.
The Vuetify Bottom Sheet Component (v-bottom-sheet)
Vuetify provides the v-bottom-sheet component for creating a bottom sheet. Like v-dialog, this component comes with an activator slot that we can use to set a button that will open the sheet when clicked.
<div class="ma-4 text-center">
<v-bottom-sheet v-model="sheet">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
Open Sheet
@click="sheet = !sheet"
<div class="my-3">This is a bottom sheet</div>
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
html {
overflow-y: auto !important;
Hide Overlay
v-bottom-sheet comes with a hide-overlay prop that will remove the overlay when set to true.
<div class="ma-4 text-center">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
Open Sheet
@click="sheet = !sheet"
<div class="my-3">This is a bottom sheet.</div>
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
html {
overflow-y: auto !important;
Vuetify Bottom Sheet v-model
We can set up a two-way binding between the value of the v-bottom-sheet and a variable. We can then use this variable to open/close the sheet or to display certain content conditionally.
<div class="ma-4 text-center">
<div class="mb-4">
The bottom sheet is {{ sheet ? 'open' : 'closed' }}
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
Open Sheet
@click="sheet = !sheet"
<div class="my-3">This is a bottom sheet</div>
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
html {
overflow-y: auto !important;
Persistent Bottom Sheets
By default, an open bottom sheet closes when another element is clicked:
We can prevent this by setting the persistent prop to true on the v-bottom-sheet:
<div class="ma-4 text-center">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
Open Sheet
@click="sheet = !sheet"
<div class="my-3">This is a bottom sheet.</div>
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
html {
overflow-y: auto !important;
Vuetify Bottom Sheet Inset
The inset prop reduces the maximum width of the v-bottom-sheet to 70% on larger screens. We can also use the width prop to reduce the width manually.
<div class="ma-4 text-center">
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">
Open Sheet
@click="sheet = !sheet"
<div class="my-3">This is a bottom sheet.</div>
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
sheet: false,
html {
overflow-y: auto !important;
Creating an “Open In” Component
We can combine a functional list and bottom sheet to create an “open in” component.
Bottom sheets are anchored to the bottom of the screen and can be used to display supplementary content. Vuetify provides the Vuetify bottom sheet component (v-bottom-sheet) for creating and customizing them.
A carousel is useful for displaying many images in a cyclic view. It comes with functionality that allows users to view the images one after the other. It allows multiple pieces of related visual content to occupy the same screen space. In this article, we’re to learn how to create and customize carousels using Vuetify.
The v-carousel component
Vuetify provides the v-carousel component for creating carousels. We can create a slide in the carousel by adding a new v-carousel-item component to the v-carousel. Here we’re creating 7 slides, each for a color of the rainbow.
The carousel will always show the first slide by default:
We can change the current slide with the displayed arrows. The left arrow will show the previous slide, while the right arrow will show the next slide:
Carousel delimiter icons
The carousel comes with delimiters that indicate the number of slides the carousel has and the one it is currently showing. v-carousel comes with the delimiter-icon prop which allows us to customize the delimiter icons with any of the available icons.
By default, the carousel shows each slide for an interval of 6 seconds before automatically transitioning to the next slide when the cycle prop is set to true. We can modify this interval with the interval prop.
We might want to have the carousel only display its navigation controls when the mouse hovers over it. We can do this by setting the show-arrows-on-hover prop to true:
We can use v-model on the v-carousel to set up a two-way binding between the current carousel slide and a variable. In the code below, we create a carousel and some text below it that displays the index of the current slide with the carousel variable:
The “Previous” button decrements carousel which takes the carousel to the previous slide, while the “Next” button increments carousel to transition the carousel to the next slide:
We use a carousel in a user interface to display a number of related visual content in the same screen space. Use the v-carousel and v-carousel-item components to create a carousel and customize its behavior and appearance.
Navigation drawers are useful for navigating through a web application. They provide an easily accessible means of quickly jumping from one location to another. In this article, we’ll learn how we can create and customize navigation drawers with Vuetify.
The v-navigation-drawer Component
We create navigation drawers in Vuetify with the v-navigation-drawer component. We set the app prop on this component to indicate to the Vuetify framework that it is part of the application layout.
Navigation drawers don’t have to be fixed. We can use a variable to toggle its visibility through v-model. We do this in the code below when the v-app-bar-nav-icon is selected. Apart from setting this variable to false, clicking outside of an open navigation drawer can also close it.
The navigation drawer is closed.Opening the navigation drawer.
Customizing Navigation Drawer Colors in Vuetify
We can use varying color styles on our navigation drawers with the color prop. With the dark prop, we can also make the text contained in the drawer light or dark, to blend in properly with its background color:
We can relocate the navigation drawer to come from the bottom of the screen on mobile devices, by setting the bottom prop to true. This alternative style only activates when its mobile-breakpoint is met.
With the mini-variant prop, we can reduce the size of the drawer and only show the first element of each of the elements inside the v-list. The drawer reduces to a size of 56px by default.
Similar to tabs, navigation drawers can be used to add an additional layer of navigation to your web applications. Vuetify provides the v-navigation-drawer component for creating them, with various props for customization.
A button is one of those elements you find in just about every UI. It is the most common way of adding interactivity to an application. Vuetify provides the v-btn component for creating a button. Let’s see how we can use this component and the various customizations we can apply.
Vuetify Regular Button
Here, we’ve created three evenly spaced buttons of different colors. One way of setting the color of most components in Vuetify is with the color prop. For the green button, we add the dark property to make its text white.
We are not limited to just text, we can also create icon buttons in Vuetify. The icon prop makes the button rounded, and applies the same styles that would be applied if we set the text prop (more on this prop later in this post).
Text buttons, created with the text prop, have no box shadow and no background. The container for the button is only shown on hover, and the color set for the button is applied to its text instead of its background:
<v-row class="ma-4" justify="space-around">
<v-btn text> Normal </v-btn>
<v-btn text color="primary"> Primary </v-btn>
<v-btn text color="error"> Error </v-btn>
<v-btn text disabled> Disabled </v-btn>
Vuetify Tile Button
Tile buttons act like regular buttons but have no border-radius. You can create them with the tile prop:
Apart from these variants, Vuetify also provides us with a range of button sizing options to fit a multitude of scenarios:
<div class="ma-2">
<v-btn x-small color="secondary" dark> Extra small Button </v-btn>
<div class="ma-2">
<v-btn small color="primary" dark> Small Button </v-btn>
<div class="ma-2">
<v-btn color="warning" dark> Normal Button </v-btn>
<div class="ma-2">
<v-btn color="error" dark large> Large Button </v-btn>
<div class="ma-2">
<v-btn x-large color="success" dark> Extra large Button </v-btn>
Buttons are everywhere. The v-btn component from Vuetify allows us to create them and enables various customization options, such as altering the variant or modifying the size.