Tari Ibaba is a software developer with years of experience building websites and apps. He has written extensively on a wide range of programming topics and has created dozens of apps and open-source libraries.
We can set up a two-way binding between the value of the switch and a variable with v-model. In the code below, we’ve created a switch and a button below it for turning it off. We added a click handler to the button that will set switch1 to false, which will turn the switch off due to the v-model. The two-way binding also ensures that toggling the switch in the user interface will update switch1.
A radio button is useful when you need to obtain user input from a group of options. For example, a user can select a preferred language or country with it. In this article, we’re going to learn how to create and customize a radio button using Vuetify.
The Vuetify Radio Button Component
Use the v-radio component to create a basic radio button:
Radio buttons are typically used with radio groups in Vuetify. We can do this by wrapping all the v-radios in a v-radio-group. We can then set up a two-way binding with the radio group component through v-model, which will allow us to access and set the currently selected radio button in the group:
We can create a group of radio buttons when we want to receive user input from a predefined set of options. Vuetify provides the v-radio component to create radio buttons and the v-radio-group component to add groupable functionality to them. These components come with various props for customization.
Sliders are a great way of getting user input from a range of values. There are used for various functions like adjusting the brightness of a display or tuning speaker volumes. In this post, we’re going to explore the various ways we can create and customize sliders with Vuetify.
The v-slider Component
Vuetify provides the v-slider component for creating sliders:
By default Vuetify sliders have a step value of 1. These type of sliders are called continuous sliders because the thumb moves smoothly from its min to max value. In cases where we need less precision we can increase this step value, with the step prop:
v-slider offers certain props for customizing the behaviour and display of the thumb. Set the thumb-label prop to true to display to only display the thumb label when the slider is being used:
The thumb normally displays the current numeric value of the slider, but we change what it shows by providing an element to the thumb-label slot of v-slider:
Ticks visually represent the values the user can move the slider to. Setting the ticks prop to true will show the slider only when the slider is being used:
Space is a fundamental element of visual design and is important in every user interface. When building web apps, we usually space out elements from one another by modifying their paddings and margins. Vuetify provides spacing helper classes for adjusting the padding and margin of elements without having to create new classes. We’re going to learn how to use them in this post.
All the Vuetify helper classes are of the following format: {property}{direction}-{size}.
The property specifies the type of spacing to apply to the element. There are two possible values:
m – applies a margin.
p – applies padding.
The direction indicates the margin or padding direction to apply the spacing. There are nine available directions in Vuetify:
t – applies the spacing for the margin-top or padding-top CSS properties of the element.
b – applies the spacing for margin-bottom or padding-bottom.
l – applies the spacing for margin-left or padding-left.
r – applies the spacing for margin-right or padding-right.
s – When Vuetify is in the default LTR mode, s acts similar to l. But in RTL mode, it behaves like r.
e – When Vuetify is in the default LTR mode, e acts similar to r. But in RTL mode, it behaves like l.
x – applies the spacing for both *-left and *-right.
y – applies the spacing for both *-top and *-bottom.
a – applies the spacing for the property in all four directions.
The size sets the actual value of the spacing in pixels. A size0 will remove the margin or padding from the element in the specified direction. To get the number of pixels for positive values, simply multiply the size number by 4px. Vuetify provides 16 possible positive spacing values:
1 – sets the margin or padding to 4px.
2 – sets the margin or padding to 8px.
3 – sets the margin or padding to 12px.
4 – sets the margin or padding to 16px.
5 – sets the margin or padding to 20px.
6 – sets the margin or padding to 24px.
7 – sets the margin or padding to 28px.
8 – sets the margin or padding to 32px.
9 – sets the margin or padding to 36px.
10 – sets the margin or padding to 40px.
11 – sets the margin or padding to 44px.
12 – sets the margin or padding to 48px.
13 – sets the margin or padding to 52px.
14 – sets the margin or padding to 56px.
15 – sets the margin or padding to 60px.
16 – sets the margin or padding to 64px.
We can specify negative spacing values by prefixing the number with an n. To get the number of pixels for negative values, multiply the size by -4px. Negative spacing values only apply to margins, and there are also 16 of them in Vuetify:
n1 – sets the margin to -4px.
n2 – sets the margin to -8px.
n3 – set the margin to -12px.
n4 – sets the margin to -16px.
n5 – sets the margin to -20px.
n6 – sets the margin to -24px.
n7 – sets the margin to -28px.
n8 – sets the margin to -32px.
n9 – sets the margin to -36px.
n10 – sets the margin to -40px.
n11 – sets the margin to -44px.
n12 – sets the margin to -48px.
n13 – sets the margin to -52px.
n14 – sets the margin to -56px.
n15 – sets the margin to -60px.
n16 – sets the margin to -64px.
Apart from the above available spacing values, we also have the auto spacing, which sets margins or paddings of elements to the auto value.
Now that we know the Vuetify spacing helper classes, let’s see how to use them in practice.
If you understood everything we covered previously, you’ll know that the mt-2 class will set the top margin of the v-row to 8px. When you run this code, you’ll see that there’s now some spacing between the two cards and the top of the page:
With the mx-3 class we’ll also create left and right margins (of 12px):
Vuetify provides spacing helper classes to allow us to space out and pad our UI elements without using custom classes or inline CSS. These classes can alter the margins or paddings of the elements in different directions and to various sizes.
Dropdown lists are useful for getting user input from a known group of options, e.g., selecting a country among all the countries in the world, or choosing the hour of the day for an alarm. There are also known as select fields. In this article, we’re going to learn how use the Vuetify Select component to start creating dropdown lists in our apps.
The v-select Component
Vuetify provides the v-select component for creating select fields:
To set a default value for a dropdown list, we can use v-model to create a two-way binding between the current value of the dropdown list and a variable. The initial value of this variable will be the default value of the select field:
We can customize certain properties of the menu that pops up when the dropdown list is clicked. Modifiable properties include top, bottom, offsetX and offsetY.
Dropdown lists come in handy when we want to provide a finite list of known options to the user to choose from. Vuetify provides the v-select component to create and customize them in diverse ways.
A table is a great way of presenting structured information in an easily understandable format. In this post, weāre going to learn how to use the Vuetify data table component, which is used for displaying tabular data and comes with useful features such as sorting, searching, pagination, and more.
The Vuetify Data Table Component (v-data-table)
Vuetify provides the v-data-table component for creating data tables. The headers prop of this component is an array of objects used to configure the data table headers. Each object in this array has a text property, which determines the header name that shows up for a particular column. We also pass an array of objects (desserts) to the items prop. Each object in desserts corresponds to a row in the data table, and each property represents a table cell for that row. The property names of these objects have to match one of the value property values of the objects in the headers array, i.e. (a key name must be one of name, calories, fat, carbs, protein, and iron).
We use the items-per-page property to paginate the data table. Here we set it to 5, so we have 2 pages for the 10 desserts.
We can filter data on the data table with the search prop. Here, weāre binding whatever value entered in the text field with the input used for searching the table:
We can specify our custom filter function by passing a method to the custom-filter prop that has the signature (value: any, search: string | null, item: any) => boolean.
We can also customize the filtering of a specific column by supplying a function to the filter property on an item in the array passed to the headers prop. In the code example below, we add a text field below the rows of the data table (with the body.append slot) which can be used to display all the desserts with calories less than a certain value.
We can prevent specific columns from being included when searching through the table rows by setting the filterable property to false on the element of the array passed to headers that is associated with the column. In the code example below, we’ve turned off searching for the dessert name column:
By default, the data table component displays a default footer using the v-data-footer component. We can pass props to this component with the footer-props prop of v-data-table:
The Vuetify data table component (v-data-table) comes in handy for laying out data in a digestible format. We can not only display data but perform searching and other operations. It also allows UI customizations like making the table more compact and functional customizations such as specifying a custom filter function.
A checkbox allows a user to select between two values. They are useful for getting boolean input (true or false), perhaps checking off a task in a to-do list app to show completion or deciding whether or not to accept a license agreement during software installation. In this article, we’re going to learn how to create a checkbox in Vuetify.
The v-checkbox Component
Vuetify provides the v-checkbox component for creating a checkbox:
We can use a checkbox when we need to accept boolean input. Vuetify provides the v-checkbox component to create it and provides various props for customization.
Lists are used to display a group of related information. This information might be dynamic and modifiable by the user (e.g., a list of contacts or tasks) or it might be static (like a list of links for navigating around an app). Lists provide a consistent styling for a group of text or images. In this article, we’re going to learn how to add lists to our UI using the Vuetify list component.
The v-list Component
The names of the components for creating lists in Vuetify are quite self-explanatory. The v-list component is for creating lists. We use the v-list-item component to create an additional item in the list. v-list-item-content contains the primary list content, and v-list-item-title displays the list title. For example:
We can expand and contract the sub groups as needed:
Lists are used to present a group of information that are related in some way. Vuetify provides v-list, v-list-group, v-list-item and other components for creating and customizing lists.
Icons are useful for conveying information to the user in a concise manner. They add more context to various aspects of our web apps. In this article, we’ll learn how to show icons in our apps to users with the Material Design framework.
The v-icon Component
Vuetify provides the v-icon component for displaying icons. This component provides a large set of glyphs. The list of all available icons is at the official Material Design Icons page. To use an icon in this list, we simply use the mdi- prefix followed by the icon name.
Vuetify supports icons from Font Awesome. After including the Font Awesome icons in your project, you can show an icon with its fa- prefixed icon name:
Icons are important UI elements used to concisely communicate and emphasize information to users. Vuetify provides the v-icon component for displaying icons. This component comes with various props for customization and supports Font Awesome and Material Design icons.
Navigation drawers are useful for navigating through a web application. They provide an easily accessible means of quickly jumping from one location to another. In this article, we’ll learn how we can create and customize navigation drawers with Vuetify.
The v-navigation-drawer Component
We create navigation drawers in Vuetify with the v-navigation-drawer component. We set the app prop on this component to indicate to the Vuetify framework that it is part of the application layout.
Navigation drawers don’t have to be fixed. We can use a variable to toggle its visibility through v-model. We do this in the code below when the v-app-bar-nav-icon is selected. Apart from setting this variable to false, clicking outside of an open navigation drawer can also close it.
The navigation drawer is closed.Opening the navigation drawer.
Customizing Navigation Drawer Colors in Vuetify
We can use varying color styles on our navigation drawers with the color prop. With the dark prop, we can also make the text contained in the drawer light or dark, to blend in properly with its background color:
We can relocate the navigation drawer to come from the bottom of the screen on mobile devices, by setting the bottom prop to true. This alternative style only activates when its mobile-breakpoint is met.
With the mini-variant prop, we can reduce the size of the drawer and only show the first element of each of the elements inside the v-list. The drawer reduces to a size of 56px by default.
Similar to tabs, navigation drawers can be used to add an additional layer of navigation to your web applications. Vuetify provides the v-navigation-drawer component for creating them, with various props for customization.