Tari Ibaba is a software developer with years of experience building websites and apps. He has written extensively on a wide range of programming topics and has created dozens of apps and open-source libraries.
By Tari Ibaba
/ Last updated on September 11, 2024
I was hopelessly pouring through coding books hoping for the knowledge to stick to my brain.
Reading and re-reading C++ books so I wouldn’t “forget” important string functions.
Memorizing huge swaths of random C# classes and methods (like seriously?)
But eventually I realized what a stupid waste of time this was.
I should never have paid so much attention to these random APIs and docs.
I should have focused on action.
I should have focused on general essential concepts instead of obsessing with specifics of ever-changing languages and frameworks.
Why waste so much time on API specifics when you can easily look it up on Google?
Most of the knowledge docs give only matter on a need-to-know basis.
When I need it, I will search for it and be on my way.
And eventually it will stick to my brain after I search and use it enough times — which is why action is so important — you’ll have far greater efficiency and retention when you learn by doing rather than memorizing random facts.
Look, I don’t really need to know how to loop through an array in PHP or JavaScript or whatever beforehand.
But I need to understand iteration as a coding construct and how I can use it to solve problems.
Problem solving. Isn’t that what computing is all about?
If you’re new to coding and learning say Python, your goal is NOT to become a Python expert.
Your goal is to learn how to think like a computer.
This isn’t about Python.
You learned about Python variables so you can use data storage to solve problems.
You’ll learn about Python arrays and dictionaries so you can structure data effectively to solve problems.
You’ll learn about if statements so you can make dynamic decisions for all the different scenarios a problem may bring.
So you see you learn the tool not for the tool’s sake but for why it exists in the first place.
Now you can effortlessly swap out one tool for another.
New languages can be learned on the fly: Dart, PHP, C#, whatever.
Even “weird” languages like Lisp only take a bit of familiarization to figure out:
When you look at a new problem your mind computerizes it easily.
What are the inputs and outputs? And what’s the best to represent them for efficient storage and retrieval?
What sequence of transformations are needed to act on the data and inputs to get our desired result?
What are the conditions that alter the pathways through the sequence?
How do we break the data and the transformations into more manageable units at different levels of abstraction?
All this you can do without even writing a single line of code.
And that’s the thing — coding isn’t the typing. The typing is actually more of a passive activity.
The real coding was the thinking you did by asking all the questions the above to design the solution.
Once the solution has been fleshed out, implementation is a no-brainer, whether it’s C++, PHP, Dart or JavaScript.
In the vast majority of cases developers use comments to explain terribly written code desperately in need of refactor.
But good code should explain itself. It should tell the full story.
❌ Before:
You did too much in one go and you know it — so you drop in a bad comment to explain yourself:
// Check if user can watch video
if (
!user.isBanned &&
user.pricing === 'premium' &&
) {
console.log('Playing video');
// codingbeautydev.com
✅ After:
Now you take things step-by-step, creating a clear and descriptive variable before using it:
if (user.canWatchVideo(channel)) {
console.log('Playing video');
class User {
canWatchVideo(channel) {
return (
!this.isBanned &&
this.pricing === 'premium' &&
// codingbeautydev.com
Whichever one you choose, they all have one thing in common: breaking down complex code into descriptive, nameable, self-explanatory steps eradicating the need for comments.
When you write comments you defeat the point of having expressive, high-level languages. There is almost always a better way.
You give yourself something more to think about; you must update the comment whenever you update the code. You must make sure the comment and the code it refers to stay with each other throughout the lifetime of the codebase.
And what happens when you forget to do these? You bring unnecessary confusion to your future self and fellow developers.
Why not just let the code do all the talking? Let code be the single source of truth.
Your var names are terrible
❌ Before: Lazy variable naming so now you’re using comments to cover it up:
// Calculate volume using length, width, and height
function calculate(x, y, z) {
return x * y * z;
calculate(10, 20, 30);
// codingbeautydev.com
There is no scenario imaginable in the universe where == can be used that === can’t be
And now with ===, your lovely VS Code editor suddenly comes alive to stop us from doing something like this:
But before it was asleep:
But what about [] == []?
Okay this makes sense, but what then could possibly explain this:
Surely the == can’t be blamed here. They have the same type, don’t they?
Yes they do.
The problem is that JavaScript compares arrays by reference. Not by value.
They may have exactly the same value, but as long they don’t refer the same object in memory, they will never be equal in the eyes of == and ===
// these are creating new array objects
// on the fly, stored at different locations
console.log([] == []); // false
console.log([] === []); // false
// store new object this time
const arr = [];
// reuse it
const tari = arr;
// both vars refer to the same object in memory
console.log(arr == tari); // true
console.log(arr === tari); // true
And this is how it is for objects in general too:
console.log({} === {}); // false
const person1 = { name: 'tari ibaba' };
const person2 = { name: 'tari ibaba' };
const person3 = person1;
// Only person1 and person3 point to the same object
console.log(person1 === person2); // false
console.log(person1 === person3); // true
console.log(person2 === person3); // false
But of course, this isn’t the case for our core primitive values — strings, numbers, and booleans:
console.log('tari ibaba' === 'tari ibaba');
// As we saw previously
console.log(2 === 2);
So what do you do when you want to compare arrays by their element values?
If it’s sorted you can use JSON.stringify():
function arraysEqual(array1, array2) {
return JSON.stringify(array1) === JSON.stringify(array2);
Otherwise, you go for the more generic length and every() combo:
function arraysEqual(array1, array2) {
return (
array1.length === array2.length &&
array1.every((value, index) => value === array2[index])
Final thoughts
== is just one example of JavaScript’s looseness making it do things that make no sense in the real world.
Moral lesson: Always use strict equality, use TypeScript, and prioritize modern features.
How do computers actually understand the code we write?
It’s interesting how some people code for several years without ever learning these essentials. And often take it for granted.
How can a simple text command somehow control millions of screen pixels in a specific area with such incredible precision?
How can text trigger interactions with systems and servers thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, using raw electricity?
Let’s dive into a fundamental overview of how it all works.
Why coding matters
You see at their core, computers are nothing but a gigantic network of complex interconnected circuits.
Everything your computer does comes from having electric current flow through the circuit.
The core of computing is using these currents as vessels for real-world data.
In digital computing, there are only two states of current: On (1) or Off (0). Just like in a light switch.
We use these two states to pass messages (instructions) to the complex circuit (processor/CPU).
Because of the brilliant way we design the circuit, passing different instructions to the processor makes it “do” different things (a whole other subject on its own)
In a 1-bit processor, you only have 2 possible instructions — 1 or 0 (binary).
But to make a full-fledged computer we need room for much more than two instructions.
That’s why in practice, we use batches of 1s and 0s to represent as many instructions as we need.
Plain textCopied!
Possible instructions
1-bit processor: 1 and 0
2-bit processor: 11, 10, 01, 00
n-bit processor: 2^n possible instructions
We can represent them with a string of 1s and 0s. Or with hexadecimal numbers. Or with more human-friendly notation.
Plain textCopied!
// They're all the same instruction
// These represent batches of electric signals in the real-world
// Hex form
B8 01 00 00 00
// Human-friendly -- Assembly language
An instruction is like the smallest indivisible unit of any abstract action your computer can take — an atomic action.
On their own, they do incredibly basic things — adding binary numbers, moving current state from one part of the circuit to another, etc.
But the real power of computing comes when processors execute a massive amount of instructions together (millions and billions).
Luckily this isn’t a problem today as we have household processors of up to 3 GHz today — processing 3 billion instructions in a second (!).
When we code, we combine these instructions in unique ways to make amazing things happen.
Text to 1s and 0s
You could write a program by passing the electric currents directly to the processor as instructions.
You wouldn’t need any operating system or input device.
But unfortunately, you’d need sequences of thousands and millions of instructions to do anything meaningful with your computer.
It will take you several weeks and months to do something as simple as displaying a bunch of characters on the screen (like this).
That’s why we created expressive languages that could do in one line what takes dozens or hundreds of machine instructions.
Then we created programs to convert from those expressive languages to Assembly language and eventually to the machine instructions (a whole other subject on its own)
Programs that we call compilers.
Unlike our normal human languages, these expressive languages are incredibly precise with zero room for ambiguity.
So with compilers, we go from [C++] code like this:
And eventually to the set of machine instructions — what we all call programs or apps.
But the CPU doesn’t run this machine code directly.
The generated machine code is different for every operating system — that’s why .exe files can only run on Windows, and .apk can only run on Android.
When the program runs, it’s the OS that sends the actual low-level instructions for the specific processor, according to whatever is in the program.
When you connect this processor to external devices like network adapters, speakers, monitors, and more, these instructions can transmit specialized signals to these peripherals, and incredible things happen.
Final thoughts
The magic lies in the unseen dance of circuits and logic.
Each line we write sparks a journey from human intent to digital action, as electricity interprets our commands through the language of 1s and 0s.
This profound synergy transforms our abstract ideas into a tangible, interactive digital realm, revealing the intricate beauty of computing’s core.
Packed with valuable features that completely transformed the way we write JavaScript.
Code became cleaner, shorter, and easier to write.
Let’s check them out and see the ones you missed.
1. Promise.any()
Before ES12, we already had Promise.all() and Promise.allSettled() to wait for an entire group of Promises.
There were several times when we’d have several Promises but only be interested in whichever one resolved first.
So Promise.any() had to come into the picture:
async function getHelpQuickly() {
const response = await Promise.any([
console.log(response); // Of course!
async function cautiousHelper() {
await new Promise((resolve) => {
setTimeout(() => {
resolve('Uum, oohkaay?');
}, 2000);
async function kindHelper() {
return 'Of course!';
function wickedHelper() {
return Promise.reject('Never, ha ha ha!!!');
// codingbeautydev.com
One interesting thing to note: even though any() resolves immediately, the app doesn’t end until all the Promises have resolved.
2. replaceAll()
Yes we already had replace() for quickly replace a substring within a string.
const str =
'JavaScript is so terrible, it is unbelievably terrible!!';
const result = str.replace('terrible', 'wonderful');
// JavaScript is so wonderful, it is unbelievably terrible!!
// Huh?
// codingbeautydev.com
But it only did so for the first occurrence of the substring unless you use a regex.
So ES12 gave us now we have replaceAll() to replace every single instance of that substring.
const str =
'JavaScript is so terrible, it is unbelievably terrible.';
const result = str.replaceAll('terrible', 'wonderful');
// JavaScript is wonderful, it is unbelievably wonderful.
// Now you're making sense!
// codingbeautydev.com
3. WeakRefs
As from ES12, a JavaScript variable can either be a strong reference or a weak reference.
What are these?
The Strong Refs are our normal everyday variables. But the Weak Refs need to be explicitly created with WeakRef():
JS variables are just references to the actual object in memory.
That’s why we can have multiple references to the same object.
const person = { name: 'Tari Ibaba' };
const me = person;
// modifies the actual object that `me` points to
person.site = 'codingbeautydev.com';
console.log(me.site); // codingbeautydev.com
But what’s the difference between a strong ref and a weak ref?
Well in programming we have something garbage collection, which is when unneeded objects are removed from memory to save resources.
In JavaScript, objects are automatically marked for garbage collected when all the strong ref variables pointing to it have become unreachable — out of scope:
The object person and me both point to is put on the destruction queue once func() runs.
// 💡`person` and `me` are unreachable here
function func() {
// 💡this object will be marked for garbage collection
// after this function runs
const person = { name: 'Tari Ibaba' };
const me = person;
person.site = 'codingbeautydev.com';
console.log(me.site); // codingbeautydev.com
But look what happens here:
Even person went out of scope after func() finished, we still had me, a global strong reference.
let me;
// 💡one strong reference (`me`) is still reachable
// ✅ Can always access object
function func() {
// 💡this object will NOT be garbage collected
// after this function runs
const person = { name: 'Tari Ibaba' };
me = person;
person.site = 'codingbeautydev.com';
console.log(me.site); // codingbeautydev.com
But what if me was a weak reference?
Now after func() executes, person would be the only strong reference to the object.
So the object will be marked for garbage collection:
let me;
// No strong references reachable
// ❌ Bad idea: object may not exist
function func() {
// 💡this object will be marked for garbage collection
const person = { name: 'Tari Ibaba' };
me = new WeakRef(person);
person.site = 'codingbeautydev.com';
console.log(me.deref().site); // codingbeautydev.com
So why do we need weak references?
The biggest use case for them is caching.
Look what happens here: processData() runs and we have a new object stored in our cache.
Even though data becomes unreachable, the object will never be garbage collected because it has a strong reference in the cache.
let cache = new Map();
function processData() {
const url = 'api.tariibaba.com';
const data = fetchData(url);
// process data for app...
async function fetchData(url) {
// check cache
const saved = cache.get(url);
if (!saved) {
const data = await (await fetch(url)).json();
cache.set(url, data);
return saved;
But what if I want the object to be freed up after processData() exits?
I would use a WeakRef as the Map values instead:
let cache = new Map();
function processData() {
const url = 'api.tariibaba.com';
const data = fetchData(url);
// process data for app...
// 💡the object will only exist in cache
// in this function
async function fetchData(url) {
// deref weak ref
const saved = cache.get(url).deref();
if (!saved) {
const data = await (await fetch(url)).json();
// ✅ Use a WeakRef instead
cache.set(url, new WeakRef(data));
return saved;
4. Logical assignment operators
Lovely syntactic sugar from ES12.
We use them like this:
left ??= right;
left ||= right;
left &&= right;
// codingbeautydev.com
Exactly the same as:
left = (left ?? right);
left = (left || right);
left = (left && right);
// codingbeautydev.com
??=. Quickly assign a value to a variable *if* it is null or undefined (“nullish”).
user.preferredName ??= generateDumbUserName();
||=. Like ??=, but assigns the value for any falsy value (0, undefined, null, '', NaN, or false).
user.profilePicture ||= "/angry-stranger.png";
And then &&=. Something like the reverse; only assigns when the value is truthy (not falsy).
This is great, but I need to update a lot of data when a user plays a song.
The song’s stream count, the user’s history, recently played…
But the database I’m using is horrible and doesn’t have support for transactions / batched writes.
I need to find a way to make sure I can update all the data in their separate locations at the exact same time.
Luckily, Promise.all() is useful this time.
It’s all or nothing.
async function runTransaction(updates) {
// updates are a list of DB actions
try {
// store db state, somehow...
await Promise.all(updates);
} catch (err) {
// intelligently revert to previous state, somehow...
With all() I’m confident that if a single updates fails, it’s over.
And now I can even bring my smart auto-retry system here, but this time everything is getting retried, after this reversal.
Did you know that 73% of developers worldwide rely on the same code editor?
Yes, the 2023 Stack Overflow Developer Survey results are in, and yet again, Visual Studio Code was by far the most used development environment.
And we all know why: it’s awesome.
But are we fully exploring its potential? In this article, we unfold some compelling VS Code features that enhance productivity with local source control, animated typing, and rapid line deletion, amongst others. Let us start using them to achieve our coding goals faster than ever.
1. Timeline view: local source control
The Timeline view gives us local source control.
Many of us know how useful Git and other source control tools are, helping us easily track file changes and revert back to a previous point when needed.
So the Timeline view in VS Code provides an automatically updated timeline of important events related to a file, such as Git commits, file saves, and test runs.
Expand this view to see a list of snapshot of events related to the current file. Here it’s file saves, but also Git commits where the file was staged.
Hover over the snapshot item to view the date and time when VS Code made the snapshot.
Select a snapshot item to see a diff view showing the changes between the file at the snapshot time and the file presently.
2. Autosave: no more Ctrl + S
Can you count how many times you’ve used this shortcut? You probably do it unconsciously now.
The Autosave feature automatically saves files as we work on them, removing the need for manual saving. With autosave, we eliminate Ctrl + S fatigue, save time, and gain certainty of always working with the latest changes to the files.
It’s not perfect though, and it’s up to you to weigh the pros and cons – which we comprehensively cover here.
Use File > Auto Save to enable the feature easily.
3. Do anything with Command Palette
Almost anything you do in VS Code apart from typing is a “Command”.
Commands let us accomplish tasks within the editor, and they include file-related commands, navigation commands, editing commands, and terminal commands, each optimally designed to enhance different aspects of your editing experience.
So with Command Palette we simply search for a command and select to perform the associated action.
To open the Command Palette, use this keyboard shortcut:
Windows/Linux: Ctrl + Shift + P
Mac: Shift + Command+ P
As you guessed correctly, those keyboard shortcuts to the right are a faster way to run the commands with the keyboard.
The key benefit of the Command Palette over shortcuts is when there’s a command without a shortcut, or you’re looking for a command you’re not sure exists.
4. Go to file quickly
The mouse is too slow.
Yes, you can click on the file in the Explorer pane, but for a much faster alternative use Ctrl + P to search for and open a specific file in your project.
Hold Ctrl and press Tab to cycle through the list of files currently open in an editor instance.
You can even use Alt + Left and Alt + Right to quickly navigate between these open files.
All these are much faster ways to get to a file than using the cursor.
5. Go to line quickly
Jump, don’t scroll.
Quickly navigating to a line is invaluable during debugging when you need to encounter errors at specific line numbers. By jumping to those lines, you can examine the code in that particular context, evaluate variables, and troubleshoot the issue.
Use the Ctrl + G keyboard shortcut for this.
6. Delete line quickly
You’ve got to the line now, what if you want to delete it?
Will you drag and drag to highlight and then press Delete? Will you tirelessly press Backspace until every character is gone?
Or, will you use the Ctrl + Shift + K shortcut to rapidly delete that and dozens more lines in a matter of seconds?
7. Enjoy typing with smooth cursor
VS Code has this smooth cursor feature that animates the cursor as it moves, like in MS Word. This makes typing feel more fluid and polished, as well as giving us a smoother and more natural feel as we navigate through the lines of code and place the cursor at different points.
To turn it on, opens Settings UI in the Command Palette and search for “smoot caret”.
We are looking for Editor: Cursor Smooth Caret Animation setting, which has 3 possible options:
off: No smooth cursor animation
explicit: Only animates the cursor when we explicitly place it somewhere in the code.
on: Smooth cursor animation is always enabled – including when typing.
Set it to on to get the full visual experience.
8. Format code rapidly
Formatting is all about improving code readability by organizing it in a structured and consistent manner.
And if you’ve been doing this manually, you need to know that there’s a better way.
Yes, you need to start formatting code automatically with the Format Document command, easily accessible in the Command Palette. Depending on the current file’s language, a particular “default” formatter will be used to format the code using various rules of indentation, line length, braces and brackets, etc.
While there’s a pretty decent built-in JS/TS formatter, for a more robust solution, I highly recommend the Prettier extension.
After installing, you’ll set it as your default formatter.
When you use manual over autosave, there’s a feature you should enable to make formatting a bit easier:
Editor: Format On Save: “Format a file on save. A formatter must be available, the file must not be saved after delay, and the editor must be shutting down”. It is disabled by default.
So with this setting on, VS Code will automatically format your code with the current default formatter when you save the file with Ctrl + S, as you saw in the above demo.
When you do autosave, it can get tedious to continuously open the Command Palette when you’re formatting every now and then. And that’s what keyboard shortcuts are for:
Windows: Shift + Alt + F
Mac: Shift + Option + F
Linux: Ctrl + Shift + I
I’m on Windows and personally, I don’t like this default keyboard shortcut; autosave makes me format every now and then, and Shift + Alt + F got agonizing after a while.
So I changed it to Ctrl + D, Ctrl + D – a keyboard shortcut chord that’s much easier to press and remember, and has no conflicting keybinding. I recommend you do the same.
9. Save time with multi-cursor editing
One of the wow moments in my earliest VS Code days, the multi-cursor editing lets you place multiple cursors at different points, and delete or insert the same text multiple times. This speeds up editing time and boosts productivity greatly, as we get repetitive tasks done efficiently with rapid code creation.
Of course, when editing, there’s always at least one cursor. Use Alt + Click to add more.
You can also easily add a cursor directly above or below the current line, with Ctrl + Alt + Down or Ctrl + Alt + Up.
These shortcuts call the Add Cursor Below and Add Cursor Above commands respectively.
10. Create new folder / file quickly
There’s no serious project where we don’t create new folders and files, and if there was a way to accelerate file/folder creation, all the time saved would add up to give us a significant productivity enhancement.
If you’ve been creating new files and folders in VS Code with the new file and new folder button, then yes, there is a way.
Instead of constantly moving your mouse to locate those small buttons, did you know you can just double-click on the Explorer panel to create a new file?
How about a new folder? Well, folders are nothing without files, and when you’re creating a new file, you can easily use the / character to indicate a hierarchy and create new folders and sub-folders to contain that file.
It would be even more efficient to use keyboard shortcuts, which is what I did.
As a former Atom fan, I had quickly gotten used to the A and Shift + A shortcuts for creating new files and folder respectively; I knew what I had to do.
Since A and Shift + A are obviously keys used to code, I included the when values here to make sure they only create a new file/folder when the Explorer pane has focus and there’s no active cursor in the current editor.
So to use these shortcuts when typing, you’ll have to focus on the explorer pane first; click on it, or use Ctrl/Command + Shift + E.
Key takeaways
Enable local source control with Timeline view; available in Explorer pane by default.
Autosave files with File > Autosave.
Run commands in Command Palette with Ctrl + Shift + P or Shift + Command + P.
Go to a file with Ctrl + P, navigate between open files with Alt + Left/Right or Ctrl + Tab.
Go to a line with Ctrl + G.
Delete a line with Ctrl + Shift + K
Enable smooth typing with Editor: Cursor Smooth Caret Animation setting.
Format code with Format Document command, use Prettier, change shortcut to Ctrl + D, Ctrl + D
Use multiple cursors at once with Alt + Click, Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down adds one above/below
Move a line up or down with Alt/Option + Up/Down in Windows/Mac
Create a new file by double-clicking the Explorer pane or set a custom keyboard shortcut. Create a new file in a new folder with “folder/file.ext“
Visual Studio Code is more than just a text editor—it’s a powerful tool that, when mastered, can significantly boost your productivity and streamline your coding workflow. The ten tips and tricks we’ve explored are just the tip of the iceberg. As you continue to navigate through VS Code, you will discover a myriad of other features and shortcuts that will further enhance your coding experience. So, keep exploring, keep learning, and remember: the key to efficient coding lies not just in the code itself, but also in the tools you use to write it.
I saw this incredible demonstration recently and was seriously impressed.
It’s powerful AI from none other than Google DeepMind, the geniuses behind that god-level chess-playing program, AlphaZero.
They’ve conquered the mental realm of chess and Go (unfortunately), so now they’re trying to conquer the physical realm of sports.
(And by the way, they’ve been working on AlphaCode, to destroy all programming jobs — should we be worried?)
And they’re already well on their way: The robot destroyed every single player it faced, at the beginner level.
55% of every intermediate-level player it played against.
For a sport like tennis, not only does the AI need sophisticated algorithms for intelligent decision-making.
It also needs physical components for quick reactions and precise movements to adequately make those decisions in the real world.
So this is the biggest problem that makes it impossible for an expert system or classical algorithm to have any chance:
How can we track this tiny, rapidly moving ball, predict its trajectory, and respond quickly and accurately according to the rules of the game?
Well, like in every problem in Computer Science and programming, it all comes back to input, processing, output.
We only need visual input here.
And of course, you know the standard way computers receive visual input.
So the robot has multiple high-speed cameras to constantly capture images at an impressive rate of 125 images per second.
All these images are rapidly fed into a neural network that tracks the ball’s position in real time.
With this position, it can calculate key variables like speed and trajectory.
For processing the robot has two levels of control.
First there are the low-level controllers, a bunch of specialized neural networks trained to execute specific table tennis skills: backhand drives, forehand topspin… basically anything you could normally do with the ball as a human.
Then we have the high-level controller for more abstract decision-making. It processes the inputs to decide which atomic skill to perform.
I think it’s just like how our brains have regions for higher-level processing like the prefrontal cortex, and then other regions like the motor cortex for lower-level for planning and executing motion.
All that processing would be useless if it couldn’t do anything in the real world; It needs to move.
That’s why the robot has a powerful IRB 1100 robotic arm, allowing it to easily reach almost any part of the table to quickly strike the ball.
In a way you could say the low-level controllers are the output of the high-level one’s processing, but they also do their own processing.
It can be better
It beat all the beginners and much of the intermediates.
But how many advanced players did it beat?
It was just too slow for those masters.
One reason for this is that it takes quite some time for the sensors to read input, and also for the actuators to carry out the output in the real world.
It also seems to have issues with balls that are too low/high, or have too much spin.
Early beginnings thought, and overall it’s a great system showing off serious progress being made in AI and robotics.
I was planning a powerful real-time app so Web Sockets was essential.
Unfortunately, all the Web Socket hosting options I found were too costly or complex to set up.
So, I hacked Firebase to get Web Sockets for free with an innovative trick from Redux.
Web sockets great cause unlike our classic HTTP request-response style, the web socket server can send several messages to multiple connected clients in real time without any need for a request.
Firebase Firestore is free and has this powerful real-time ability by default, but there was a major problem.
Firestore is data-centric and client-centric
But Web Sockets are action-centric and server-centric.
As a client in Web Sockets, you send event messages through channels and the server uses them to decide what to do with the data.
It has complete control, and there’s no room for malicious manipulation from any user.
// channel to listen for events in server
channel.bind('sendChatMessage', () => {
// modify remote database
// client doesn't know what's happening
But in Firestore, you dump the data in the DB and you’re done. The client can store whatever they want. Anyone can access anything in your DB once they have the URL.
// client can do anything
const handleSendChatMessage = ({ content, senderId }) => {
const messagesRef = collection(
addDoc(messagesRef, {
content: 'whatever I want',
senderId: 'whoever I want',
timestamp: new Date(),
Sure, you can add “security rules” to protect certain data paths:
But it’s woefully inadequate compared to the flexibility and remote control that real Web Socket servers like Pusher provide.
And yes there was Pusher, but it only allowed a measly amount of free concurrent connections, and in this app, all my users needed to be permanently connected to the server, including when they closed the app.
My delusions of grandeur told me I’d be paying quite a lot when thousands and millions of people start using the app.
But what if I could make Firebase Firestore act like a real server and have complete control of the data?
I’d enjoy the generous free limits and have 1 million concurrent connections.
What I did
I needed to transform Firestore from data-centric to action-centric.
But how exactly could I do this? How could I bring channels to Firestore and create some sort of “server” with full power to regulate the data?
The answer: Redux.
But how? How does Redux have anything to do with Firebase?
Well, it was Redux that helped transform vanilla React from data-centric:
So the data would live side-by-side with the action stream collection in the same Firestore DB:
No user will ever be able to access this data directly; Our security rules will only ever them to send messages through their subcollection in the channels collection.
Receiving real-time messages from the server
I create a special subcollection within every channel, exclusively for events from server to clients.
Here I relay the new message to other users in the chat after storing the data.
Every developer should fully understand how they work and be able to discern the subtle differences between them.
So you know, JS functions are first-class citizens.
Which means: they’re all just object values — all instances of the Function class, with methods and properties.
So bind(), apply(), and call() are 3 essential methods every JavaScript function has.
Were you with me in the painful early days of React; when we still did this? 👇
This was just one of the multiple applications of bind() — a seriously underrated JavaScript method.
// damn class components are such a chore to write now
import React from 'react';
class MyComponent extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
greet() {
alert(`Hi, I'm ${this.props.name}!`);
// remember render()?
render() {
return (
<button onClick={this.greet.bind(this)}>Click me</button>
export default MyComponent;
sayName() would be a mess without bind() — the alert() would never work.
Because internally React is doing something fishy with this method that completely screws up what this means inside it.
Before sayName would have had absolutely no problems showing the alert — just like in this other class:
class Person {
props = { name: 'Tari' };
greet() {
console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.props.name}!`);
const person = new Person();
But guess what React does to the greet event handler method behind the scenes?
It reassigns it to another variable:
class Person {
props = { name: 'Tari' };
greet() {
console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.props.name}!`);
// reassign to another variable:
const greet = Person.prototype.greet;
// ❌ bad idea
So guess what happens to this — it’s nowhere to be found:
This is where bind comes to the rescue — it changes this to any instance object you choose:
So we’ve binded the function to the object — the bind target.
(I know it’s “bound” but let’s say binded just like how we say “indexes” for “index” instead of “indices”).
It’s immutable — it returns the binded function without changing anything about the original one.
And this lets us use it as many times as possible:
vs call()
There’s only a tiny difference between call and bind
bind creates the binded function for you to use as many times as you like.
But call? It creates a temporary binded function on the flyand calls it immediately:
class Person {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props;
greet() {
console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.props.name}`);
const person = new Person({ name: 'Tari' });
const greet = Person.prototype.greet;
So call() is basically bind() + a call.
But what about when the function has arguments? What do we do then?
No problem at all — just pass them as more arguments to call:
class Person {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props;
greet(name, favColor) {
`Hi ${name}, I'm ${this.props.name} and I love ${favColor}`
const person = new Person({ name: 'Tari' });
const greet = Person.prototype.greet;
// bind(): normal argument passing to binded function
greet.bind(person)('Mike', 'blue🔵');
// call(): pass as more arguments
greet.call(person, 'Mike', 'blue🔵');
And you can actually do the same with bind():
// the same thing
greet.bind(person)('Mike', 'blue🔵');
greet.bind(person, 'Mike', 'blue🔵')();
vs apply()
At first you may think apply() does the exact same thing as call():
class Person {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props;
greet() {
console.log(`Hi, I'm ${this.props.name}`);
const person = new Person({ name: 'Tari' });
const greet = Person.prototype.greet;
greet.call(person); // Hi, I'm Tari
greet.apply(person); // Hi, I'm Tari
But just like bind() vs call() there’s a subtle difference to be aware of:
Arguments passing:
class Person {
constructor(props) {
this.props = props;
greet(name, favColor) {
`Hi ${name}, I'm ${this.props.name} and I love ${favColor}`
const person = new Person({ name: 'Tari' });
const greet = Person.prototype.greet;
//💡call() -- pass arguments with comma separated
greet.call(person, 'Mike', 'blue🔵'); // Hi, I'm Tari
//💡apply() -- pass arguments with array
greet.apply(person, ['Mike', 'blue🔵']); // Hi, I'm Tari
One mnemonic trick I use to remember the difference:
call() is for commas
apply() is for arrays
bind() — bind to this and return a new function, reusable
call() — bind + call function, pass arguments with commas
apply() — bind + call function, pass arguments with array