
Stop autosaving your code

Autosave has grown in popularity recently and become the default for many developers and teams, a must-have feature for various code editors. Apps like Visual Studio stubbornly refuse to fully provide the feature, and others make it optional. WebStorm, PHPStorm, and other JetBrains products have it enabled by default; for VSCode, you have to turn it on if you want it.

So obviously, we have two opposing views on the value of autosave because even though it can be highly beneficial, it has its downsides. In this article, we’ll look at both sides of the autosave divide, good causes for turning it off and good causes not to.

Why you should stop autosaving your code

First, some reasons to think twice before enabling autosave in your code editor:

1. Higher and wasted resource usage

High VSCode CPU usage

When using tools that perform an expensive action any time the file is changed and saved, like build watchers, continuous testing tools, FTP client file syncers, etc, turning on autosave will make these actions much more often. They will also happen when there are errors in the file, and when you make a tiny change. It might instead be preferable for these tools to run only when they need to; when you reach a point where you really want to see the results of your changes.

With greater CPU and memory usage comes lower battery usage and more heat from higher CPU temperature. Admittedly, this will continue to become less and less of an issue as computers increase in processing power, memory capacity, and battery life across the board. But depending on your particular situation, you might want to conserve these things as much as possible.

2. Harder to recover from unexpected errors

Error output in the console.

With autosave enabled, any single change you make to your code file is written to disk, whether these changes leave your file in a valid state or not. This makes it harder to recover from unwanted changes.

What if you make an unintended and possibly buggy change, maybe from temporarily trying something out, and then close the file accidentally or unknowingly (autosave makes this more likely to happen)? With your Undo history wiped out, it will be harder to recover the previous working version of the file. You might even forget how the code used to look before the change, and then have to expend some mental effort to take the code back to what it was.

Git logo.

Of course, using version control tools like Git and Mercurial significantly decrease the chances of this happening. Still, the previous working version of the file you would want to recover could be one with uncommitted changes, not available from version control, especially if you don’t commit very frequently or you have a commit scheduling determined by more than just the code working after small changes, e.g., committing when a mini milestone is reached, committing after every successful build, etc.

So if you want to continue enjoying the benefits of auto-save while minimizing the possibility of this issue occurring, it’s best if you always use source control and have a frequent commit schedule.

3. No auto-formatting on save

VSCode "Format on Save" option

Many IDEs and text editors have a feature that automatically formats your code, so you can focus on the task at hand. For example, VSCode has built-in auto-formatting functionality, and also allows extensions to be written to provide more advanced or opinionated auto-formatters for various languages and file extensions.

These editors typically provide an option to format the file when it is saved. For manual saving, this makes sense, as usually you Ctrl/Cmd + S after making a small working change to a file and stop typing. This seems like a great point for formatting, so it’s a great idea to combine it with the saving action so there’s no need to think about it.

Prettier's format-on-save feature.

However, this feature isn’t very compatible with auto-save, and that’s why editors/IDEs like WebStorm and VSCode do not format your code for you on auto-save (you can still press Ctrl (Cmd) + S for it to happen, but isn’t one of the reasons for enabling auto-save to avoid this over-used keyboard shortcut?).

For one, it would probably be annoying for the cursor to change position due to auto-formatting as you’re typing. And then, there’s also the thing we already talked about earlier – the file won’t always be syntactically valid after an auto-save, and the auto-formatter will fail.

There is one way though, to have auto-formatting while still leaving auto save turned on, and that is enabling auto-formatting on commit. You can do this using Git pre-commit hooks provided by tools like Prettier and Husky.

Still only happens on commit though, so unless your code is not too messed up or you’re ready to format manually, you’ll have to endure the disorderliness until your next commit (or just press that Ctrl + S).

4. Can be distracting

If you have a tool in your project that performs an action when files are saved and indicate this visually in your editor, i.e, a pop-up notification to indicate recompilation, output in the terminal to indicate rebuilding, etc. With auto-save turned on, it can be a bit distracting for these actions to occur whenever you stop typing for a little while.

For instance, in this demo, notice how the terminal output in VSCode changes wildly from typing in a small bunch of characters:

The terminal output changes wildly from typing in a small bunch of characters.

Text editors have tried to fix this problem (and the resource usage problem too) by adding autosave delays; waiting a certain period of time since the file was last changed before actually committing the changes to disk.

This reduces the frequency at which the save-triggering actions occur and solves the issue to an extent, but it’s a trade-off as lack of immediate saving produces another non-ideal situation.

5. Auto-save is not immediate

The auto-save doesn't happen immediately.

Having an auto-save delay means that your code file will not be saved immediately. This can lead to some problems:

Data loss

Probably the biggest motivator for enabling auto-save is to reduce the likelihood that you’ll lose all the hard work you’ve put into creating code should an unexpected event like a system crash or the forced closing of the application occur. The higher your auto-save delay, the greater the chance of this data loss happening.

VSCode takes this into account; when its auto-save delay is set to 2 or more seconds, it will show the unsaved file indicator for a recently modified file, and the unsaved changes warning dialog if you try to close the file until the delay completes.

On-save action lags

Tools that run on save like build watchers will be held back by the auto-save delay. With manual save, you know that hitting Ctrl + S will make the watcher re-build immediately, but with delayed auto-save, you’ll have to experience the lag between your finishing and the watcher reacting to changes. This could impact the responsiveness of your workflow.

Why you should autosave your code

The reasons above probably won’t be enough to convince many devs to disable autosave. It is a fantastic feature after all. And now let’s look at some of the reasons why it’s so great to have:

1. No more Ctrl + S fatigue

Comic on Ctrl + S fatigue.
Image source: CommitStrip

If you use manual save, you probably press this keyboard shortcut hundreds or even thousands of times in a working day. Auto-saving helps you avoid this entirely. Even if you’re very used to it now, once you get used to your files being autosaved, you’ll be hesitant to back to the days of carrying out the ever-present chore of Ctrl + S.

Eradicating the need for Ctrl + S might even lower your chances of suffering from repetitive strain injury, as you no longer have to move your wrists and fingers over and over to type the key combination.

2. Save time and increase productivity

Save time photo.
Save icons created by Kiranshastry – Flaticon

The time you spend pressing the key combination to save a file might not seem like much, but it does add up over time. Turning auto-save on lets you use this time for more productive activities. Of course, if you just switched to auto-save, you’ll have to work on unlearning your Ctrl + S reflex for this to be a benefit to you.

3. Certainty of working with latest changes

Any good automation turns a chore into a background operation you no longer have to think about. This is what auto-save does to saving files; no longer are you unsure of whether you’re working with the most recent version of the file. Build watchers and other on-file-change tools automatically run after the file’s contents are modified, and display output associated with the latest file version.

4. Avoids errors due to file not being saved

Error output in the console.

This follows from the previous point. Debugging can be a tedious process and it’s not uncommon for developers to forget to save a file when tirelessly hunting for bugs. You probably don’t want to experience the frustration of scrutinizing your code, line after line, wondering how this particular bug can still exist after everything you’ve done.

You might think I’m exaggerating, but it might take up to 15 (20? 30??) minutes before you finally notice the unsaved file indicator. Especially if you’ve been trapped in a cycle of making small changes, saving, seeing the futility of your changes, making more small changes, saving… when you’re finally successful and pressing Ctrl + S is the only issue, you might just assume your change didn’t work, instead of checking for other possible reasons for the reoccurrence of the error.

5. Encourages smaller changes due to triggering errors faster

When a tool performs an action due to a file being saved, the new contents of the file might be invalid and trigger an error. For example, a test case might fail when a continuous testing tool re-runs or there might be a syntax error when a build watcher re-builds.

Since this type of on-file-change action occur more (possibly much more) when files are auto-saved when you type code that causes an error, it will take a shorter time for the action to happen and for you to be notified of the error. You would have made a smaller amount of code changes, which will make it easier to identify the source of the error.


Autosave is an amazing feature with the potential to significantly improve your quality of life as a developer when used properly. Still, it’s not without its disadvantages, and as we saw in this article, enabling or disabling it is a trade-off to live with. Choose auto-format on save and lower CPU usage, or choose to banish Ctrl + S forever and gain the certainty of working with up-to-date files.

What are your views concerning the autosave debate? Please let me know in the comments!

10 must-have VS Code extensions for web development

Visual Studio Code has thousands of extensions you can install to ramp up your developer productivity and save yourself from mundane tasks. They are all available in the Visual Studio Code marketplace and the vast majority of them are completely free.

Let’s have a detailed look at 10 powerful Visual Studio Code extensions that significantly improve the web development experience.

1. Prettier

Prettier is a useful tool that automatically formats your code using opinionated and customizable rules. It ensures that all your code has a consistent format and can help enforce a specific styling convention in a collaborative project involving multiple developers.

The Prettier extension for Visual Studio Code.

The Prettier extension for Visual Studio Code brings about a seamless integration between the code editor and Prettier, allowing you to easily format code using a keyboard shortcut, or immediately after saving the file.

Watch Prettier in action:

Pretter instantly formats the code after the file is saved.
Pretter instantly formats the code after the file is saved.

2. JavaScript Booster

This extension upgrades Visual Studio Code with code actions to perform common refactoring tasks that occur when programming with JavaScript.

The JavaScript Booster extension for Visual Studio Code.

They are dozens of code actions that it can carry out, including replacing an if...else statement with a ternary operator:

Replacing an "if...else" statement with a ternary operator using JavaScript Booster.

splitting a declaration and initialization into multiple statements:

Splitting a declaration and initialization into multiple statements using JavaScript Booster.

and converting a function to an arrow function:

Converting a function to an arrow function using JavaScript booster.

3. ESLint

ESLint is a tool that finds and fixes problems in your JavaScript code. It deals with both code quality and coding style issues, helping to identify programming patterns that are likely to produce tricky bugs.

The ESLint extension for Visual Studio Code.

The ESLint extension for Visual Studio Code enables integration between ESLint and the code editor. This integration allows ESLint to notify you of problems right in the editor.

For instance, it can use a red wavy line to notify of errors:

ESLint uses a red wavy line to notify of errors.

We can view details on the error by hovering over the red line:

Viewing error details by hovering over the red wavy line.

We can also use the Problems tab to view all errors in every file in the current VS Code workspace.

Using the "Problems" tab to view all errors in every file in the VS Code workspace.

4. GitLens

GitLens is another powerful extension that helps you take full advantage of Git source control in Visual Studio Code.

GitLens displays views containing essential repository data and information on the current file, such as file history, commits, branches and remotes.

The GitLens extension displaying essential repository data.

Place the cursor on any line in the editor and GitLens will display info on the latest commit where the line was changed:

5. Live Server

The Live Server extension for VS Code starts a local server that serves pages using the contents of files in the workspace. The server will automatically reload when an associated file is changed.

The Live Server extension for Visual Studio Code.

In the demo below, a new server is launched quickly to display the contents of the index.html file. Modifying index.html and saving the file reloads the server instantly. This saves you from having to manually reload the page in the browser every time you make a change.

A demo of how to use the Live Server Extension for Visual Studio Code

As you saw in the demo, you can easily launch a new server using the Open with Live Server item in the right-click context menu for a file in the VS Code Explorer.

Launcing a new server with the "Open with Live Server" item in the right-click context menu for a file in the VS Code Explorer.

6. CSS Peek

The CSS Peek Extension lets you quickly view the CSS style definitions for various class names and IDs assigned in HTML.

The CSS Peek extension for Visual Studio Code.

There are three ways to use CSS Peek:

  • You can hold down the Ctrl key and hover over a class name or ID to peek at its definition.
  • You can use a keyboard shortcut to open a persistent definition window that displays the CSS definition of a class name or ID.
  • You can use a keyboard shortcut to navigate to where the definition is located in its CSS file.

Here is a demonstration of all these methods:

A demo of the three ways to use CSS Peek.

7. Intellisense for CSS Class Names in HTML

This extension can work hand in hand with CSS Peek, it provides code completion for the HTML class attribute from existing CSS definitions found in the current Visual Studio Code workspace.

You’ll appreciate the benefits of this extension when using third-party CSS libraries containing hundreds of classes.

8. JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets

As the name suggests, this is an extension that comes fully loaded with heaps of time-saving code snippets for JavaScript, in ES6 syntax.

JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets Extension for Visual Studio Code.

Here’s a demo where the imp and imd snippets from this extension are used to quickly import two modules with ES6 syntax.

A demo of how to use the JavaScript (ES6) Code Snippets extension.

9. Visual Studio Intellicode

Artificial Intelligence continues to increase worker productivity in various jobs, and developers are not left out. IntelliCode is a tool that produces smart code completion recommendations that make sense in the current code context. It does this using an AI model that has been trained on thousands of popular open-source projects on GitHub.

The Visual Studio Intellicode extension for Visual Studio Code.

When you type the . character to access an object method or fields, IntelliCode will suggest a list of members that are likely to be used in the present scenario. The items in the list are denoted using a star symbol, as shown in the following demo.

IntelliCode is available for JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and a number of other languages.

10. VSCode Icons

Icon packs are available to customize the look of files of different types in Visual Studio Code. They enhance the look of the application and make it easier to identify and distinguish files of various sorts.

VSCode Icons is one the most popular icon pack extensions, boasting a highly comprehensive set of icons and over 11 million downloads.

vscode-icons extension for Visual Studio Code.

It goes beyond file extension differentiation, to provide distinct icons for files and folders with specific names, including package.json, node_modules and .prettierrc.

A select list of the icons provided by vscode-icons.

Final thoughts

These are 10 essential extensions that aid web development in Visual Studio Code. Install them now to boost your developer productivity and raise your quality of life as a web developer.