How to Use the Vuetify Checkbox Component

A checkbox allows a user to select between two values. They are useful for getting boolean input (true or false), perhaps checking off a task in a to-do list app to show completion or deciding whether or not to accept a license agreement during software installation. In this article, we’re going to learn how to create a checkbox in Vuetify.

The v-checkbox Component

Vuetify provides the v-checkbox component for creating a checkbox:

    <v-row class="ma-2" justify="center">

export default {
  name: 'App',
Creating a Vuetify checkbox with the v-checkbox component.

Clicking the checkbox will toggle its checked state:

Clicking the checkbox will toggle its value.

Setting a Checkbox value

Use the value prop to set the checked state of the checkbox.

    <v-row class="ma-2" justify="center">
      <v-checkbox :value="true"></v-checkbox>
      <v-checkbox :value="false"></v-checkbox>

export default {
  name: 'App',
Setting a checkbox value.

Vuetify Checkbox Labels

We can label a Vuetify checkbox with the label prop:

    <v-row class="ma-2" justify="center">
      <v-checkbox v-model="checked" label="Coding Beauty"></v-checkbox>

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data: () => ({
    checked: false,
Setting a label for a Vuetify checkbox.

Vuetify Checkbox Label Slot

To include HTML content in a checkbox label, we can put it in the label slot:

    <v-row class="ma-2" justify="space-around">
      <v-checkbox color="indigo" input-value="true">
        <template v-slot:label>
          Visit the&nbsp;
            Coding Beauty website

export default {
  name: 'App',
Including HTML content in a Vuetify checkbox with the label slot.

Vuetify Checkbox Boolean v-model

To control the current value of the checkbox, we can use v-model to create a two-way binding between the v-checkbox and a boolean variable.

Here, we create a checkbox and a button below it to toggle the state of the checkbox. We indicate this state with some text in the label prop.

    <div class="ma-2 d-flex justify-center">
      <v-checkbox v-model="checked" :label="`Checked: ${checked}`"></v-checkbox>
    <div class="ma-2 d-flex justify-center">
      <v-btn color="indigo" dark @click="checked = !checked">{{
        checked ? 'Uncheck' : 'Check'

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data: () => ({
    checked: false,

Clicking the button will negate checked, and this will reflect on the checkbox and its label:

Using a boolean v-model on the Vuetify checkbox component.

Vuetify Checkbox Array v-model

We can pass an array to v-model to allow multiple checkbox components to share the same variable used for the two-way binding:

    <v-container fluid>
      <p>Selected: {{ selected }}</p>

export default {
  name: 'App',
  data: () => ({
    selected: [],
Padding an array v-model to the checkbox components.

Customizing Checkbox Color in Vuetify

The color prop allows us to set the color of the checkbox background when checked:

    <v-row justify="space-around" class="ma-4">
      <v-checkbox color="primary" label="primary"></v-checkbox>
      <v-checkbox color="green" label="green"></v-checkbox>
      <v-checkbox color="yellow darken-3" label="yellow darken-3"></v-checkbox>
      <v-checkbox color="red" label="red"></v-checkbox>

export default {
  name: 'App',
Customizing checkbox color in Vuetify.

Disabled Checkbox

We can turn off checkbox interactivity with the disabled prop. It will no longer accept input when disabled.

    <v-row class="ma-2" justify="space-around">
        label="on disabled"
        label="off disabled"

export default {
  name: 'App',
Disabled Vuetify checkboxes.

Indeterminate Checkbox

We can make the checkbox indeterminate by using the indeterminate prop on the v-checkbox:

    <v-row class="ma-2" justify="space-around">
      <v-checkbox label="indeterminate" color="red" indeterminate></v-checkbox>

export default {
  name: 'App',
An indeterminate Vuetify checkbox.


We can use a checkbox when we need to accept boolean input. Vuetify provides the v-checkbox component to create it and provides various props for customization.

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