How to guarantee a coding job by writing the perfect cover letter

So who told you nobody reads cover letters?!

If you really believe that then prepare for a massive shock…

83% of hiring managers absolutely DO read cover letters.

And they’re not just skimming through — 60% of hiring managers spend at least 2 minutes reading your resume!

Cover letters are the unique selling point that gets you chosen over people with dangerously similar qualifications.

Learn the perfect to write them once and stand out in every job application. Every job platform: Upwork, Indeed, and so much more.

Blind mass applying leads to failure

Don’t behave like those irritating email spammers.

Sending the same old generic message to thousands of addresses hoping for 2 replies.

Your cover letter needs to be personalized to:

  • The job description
  • The company’s mission and values.

It shows you’re genuinely interested.

Make sure to include these gems

1. Attention-grabbing intro

If you mess up the intro everything that follows is automatically worthless.

Get straight to the point without using so much formal baggage.

Recommended: Quickly state your niche and intentions to “learn more” about the company 😉


I’m a passionate full-stack web developer with over 6 years of experience interested in learning more about the Coding Beauty team.

2. What have you achieved recently?

Solutions before features.

Recruiters care more about concrete real-world achievements than the dry technical details behind them.

Example — for the full-stack web developer role:

Over the past 3 years, I helped my company generate over $2 million in additional revenue by spearheading the development a new e-commerce web platform.

Wow, amazing achievement! Who is this guy?

Then leading up to your experience, you say:

And now I’m thrilled to continue my journey by contributing and growing with Coding Beauty. These are three things that make me a perfect fit for this position:

3. Experience

Alright, I’m now much more curious to see the skills & experience you gained to help you reach such majestic heights:

Firstly, at XYZ Corp, I spearheaded the migration from AngularJS to React, enhancing the user experience and improving performance by 30%. My focus was on creating reusable components, which streamlined the development process and fostered collaboration. I believe in writing clean, maintainable code and mentoring junior developers, which I did by conducting weekly code reviews and workshops.

Secondly, while at ABC Solutions, I led a project to integrate a Node.js backend with a MongoDB database, reducing data retrieval times by 50%. I am passionate about efficient architecture and robust security practices, which I implemented by designing a comprehensive API and setting up automated testing, ensuring a seamless and secure application.

Notice how they state something about themselves in relation to the experience they gained in both cases.

Making it unique to the individual — rather than some random generic rambling no one cares about.

4. Why this company?

Why do you want to work here?

Show how you resonate with the mission and values of the company:


Finally, I’m drawn to Coding Beauty’s mission because it aligns perfectly with my belief in empowering developers to reach their fullest potential. By fostering personal growth, promoting the enjoyment of coding, and facilitating avenues for financial success, Coding Beauty embodies values that resonate deeply with me.

5. Strong conclusion

Confident but not too brazen:


I’m sure my background aligns sufficiently with Coding Beauty and this role. I am enthusiastic about leveraging my expertise to contribute meaningfully to Coding Beauty’s objectives and look forward to hearing back.

Putting it together

I’m a passionate full-stack web developer with over 6 years of experience interested in learning more about the Coding Beauty team.

Over the past 3 years, I helped my company generate over $2 million in additional revenue by spearheading the development a new e-commerce web platform.

Firstly, at XYZ Corp, I spearheaded the migration from AngularJS to React, enhancing the user experience and improving performance by 30%. My focus was on creating reusable components, which streamlined the development process and fostered collaboration. I believe in writing clean, maintainable code and mentoring junior developers, which I did by conducting weekly code reviews and workshops.

Secondly, while at ABC Solutions, I led a project to integrate a Node.js backend with a MongoDB database, reducing data retrieval times by 50%. I am passionate about efficient architecture and robust security practices, which I implemented by designing a comprehensive API and setting up automated testing, ensuring a seamless and secure application.

Finally, I’m drawn to Coding Beauty’s mission because it aligns perfectly with my belief in empowering developers to reach their fullest potential. By fostering personal growth, promoting the enjoyment of coding, and facilitating avenues for financial success, Coding Beauty embodies values that resonate deeply with me.

I’m sure my background aligns sufficiently with Coding Beauty and this role. I am enthusiastic about leveraging my expertise to contribute meaningfully to Coding Beauty’s objectives and look forward to hearing back.


Coding Masters

Keep it short

Don’t write a book — everything we’ve gone should be done in 4 or 5 paragraphs.

No need to impress with fancy vocabulary or formal language.

Lean towards a conversational, semi-formal tone.

Follow these tips and tricks and you’ll drastically improve the quality of your cover letters for Upwork, Indeed or general job listings.

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