Tari Ibaba

Tari Ibaba is a software developer with years of experience building websites and apps. He has written extensively on a wide range of programming topics and has created dozens of apps and open-source libraries.

Why Devin AI can’t take your job.

Devin AI.

They claim it’s the silver bullet for all software creation, a miraculous tech outperforming every other AI model and handling real-world programming with ease.

With recent news of Nvidia CEO, Jensen Huang, confidently predicting the impending death of coding, surely this Devin AI thing must be the first nail to go in the coffin.


Sounds suspiciously familiar… AutoGPT, anyone? GPT Engineer? LOL.

Oh no… before jumping on the bandwagon we need to take a closer look at the deception behind this supposed game-changer.

The first glaring issue is the lack of transparency surrounding Devin AI’s performance metrics.

Sure, they claim it’s superior, but how did they arrive at these numbers? And where’s the proof? There’s a conspicuous absence of generated source code to back up their claims.

Without this crucial evidence you can’t take their word at face value.

Can Devin AI really make a meaningful impact in a real-world repository? Doubtful. And what about limitations? Not a word. It’s as if they want us to believe Devin AI is flawless, without a single drawback.

The demos provided by Devin AI are suspect at best; They showcase its abilities but conveniently omit crucial details.
Ever notice how they never revealed the prompts inputted by the user?

If you pause the videos and examine the timestamps, you’ll find it takes hours, not the mere five minutes they lead you to believe. It’s a smoke and mirrors act designed to dazzle without substance.

And what about the demos themselves? They’re basic, rudimentary at best. Many of the problems showcased are nothing more than following a tutorial, some of which even included code snippets.

Hype over competence.

Perhaps the most concerning aspect is the lack of public testing. If Devin AI truly lives up to the hype, why not let the public put it through its paces?

The reluctance to release it for testing raises red flags and hints at a possible cash grab scheme. Business may well soon find themselves disillusioned with promises that fail to materialize.

Trusting AI blindly is a path to failure.

Even if Devin AI does possess remarkable capabilities, it’s important to remember that code still requires human understanding and review to be acceptable. Software engineering is a nuanced field with countless variables; How can an AI know it is correct when its idea of correctness is bound by its training data?

If you think AI can replace developers so easily, then you probably missing the whole point of why we code. Coding at it’s core, is not about typing and compiling. It’s not even about creating apps or websites.

Coding is about specifying the requirements of a system with zero ambiguity. It’s about expressing the solution to a problem with absolute precision.

When you type in a prompt to ChatGPT with all the vivid descriptions and (hopefully) expressive constraints, you are coding.

The difference now is the glaring ambiguity of natural language; the lack of certainty of getting exactly what you want from the AI 100% of the time. That’s why you can refine a prompt dozens of times and have absolutely nothing to show for it.

So AI can only be as good at generating code as the instructions it’s given. And describing the software you want with precision has always been the greatest challenge in software development.

If Devin AI can compel users to provide enough definitions, then perhaps it has potential. But until then, it remains an overhyped tool with limited utility.

AI’s role in programming is similar to the evolution of programming languages. As languages have progressed, programming has become more accessible. But has this led to fewer programmers? No. Instead, it has expanded the reach of programming, leading to more innovation and productivity.

Likewise AI-supported coding will enhance productivity, not replace developers. These AI models are essentially sophisticated search engines trained on vast amounts of data. They excel at common tasks but falter when faced with specific or innovative challenges. They lack the creativity and problem-solving abilities inherent in human developers.

Once again let’s not forget about reliability; AI may churn out code, but isn’t always accurate; deploying AI in critical applications without human oversight is a recipe for disaster. Developers are essential for identifying and correcting errors to ensure the integrity and functionality of the software.

Devin AI may have its uses but it’s far from the panacea it’s been made out to be. As software engineers we should embrace innovation but remain skeptical of overhyped technologies. After all, it’s our expertise and ingenuity that will continue to drive progress in the field, not flashy AI gimmicks.

Play Updates

Mar 30, 2024

  • Improved compatibility of option input and free-text input.
  • Fix issue where completed puzzle parts were not saving to the browser.

Mar 23, 2024

  • Fixed the issue where Mar 23, 2024 daily puzzle didn’t have the correct option.

Shuffling algorithm in 1 line instead of 10: functional Fisher-Yates

Can we write the Fisher-Yates shuffling algorithm in a declarative and functional way with zero mutations, all in a single one-liner statement?!

Let’s find out.

The normal way of writing Fisher-Yates

Some time ago I was creating an indie card game for Android and I needed to shuffle the cards before sharing them to the user and opponents.

Well I didn’t know about the standard shuffling algorithms, so after some thought I came up with this:

But after reading more about Fisher-Yates on Wikipedia, I discovered serious problems with my algorithm:

// It was in C#, but like this function shuffleArray(array) { const clone = [...array]; for (let i = clone.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Swap i with random item from 0..n const randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * clone.length // ❌❌ ); const temp = clone[i]; clone[i] = clone[randomIndex]; clone[randomIndex] = temp; } return clone; } console.log(shuffleArray(['C', 'I', 'O', 'L', 'G'])); // [ 'I', 'L', 'O', 'G', 'C' ] console.log(shuffleArray(['C', 'I', 'O', 'L', 'G'])); // [ 'L', 'O', 'G', 'I', 'C' ]

I was swapping each item with a random element in the range of 0..n, but this was wrong.

As explained here, this made it more likely for the array to get shuffled in particular ways.

The right way was to use the range 0..i to swap with the current element i in the loop.

function shuffleArray(array) { const clone = [...array]; for (let i = clone.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { const randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); const item = clone[i]; clone[i] = clone[randomIndex]; clone[randomIndex] = item; } return clone; } console.log(shuffleArray(['C', 'I', 'O', 'L', 'G'])); // [ 'G', 'L', 'I', 'C', 'O' ] console.log(shuffleArray(['C', 'I', 'O', 'L', 'G'])); // [ 'L', 'O', 'G', 'I', 'C' ]

With this I could make sure every possible shuffled result would have an equal chance of happening.

Functional, immutable, one-liner Fisher-Yates

How exactly are we supposed to go about this?

Can we try this?👇

const shuffleArray = (arr) => arr.reduce((array, item, i) => { const randomIndex = Math.floor( Math.random() * arr.length ); [arr[i], arr[randomIndex]] = [arr[randomIndex], arr[i]]; return arr; });

No we can’t; We used ES6 swapping to shorten the code but we still mutated the array. And cloning doesn’t count.

We need to figure out a way to swap the array elements immutably – create a new array with items swapped.

Using conditionals we can easily come up with this:

const immutableSwap = (arr, i, j) => arr.map((item, index) => index === i ? arr[j] : index === j ? arr[i] : item ); const arr = ['B', 'E', 'A', 'U', 'T', 'Y']; console.log(immutableSwap(arr, 2, 4)); // [ 'B', 'E', 'T', 'U', 'A', 'Y' ]

But we could also use Object.values like this:

const immutableSwap = (arr, i, j) => { return Object.values({ ...arr, [i]: arr[j], [j]: arr[i], }); }; console.log(immutableSwap(arr, 3, 5)); // [ 'B', 'Y', 'A', 'U', 'T', 'E' ]

What’s next?

With the immutable swap worked out, our game plan is pretty straightforward:

  1. For each item i in 0..n, immutably select an index in 0..i to swap with i for each i in 0..n
  2. Loop through the array again and immutably swap each element with its assigned swapping pair.

For #1 we can easily use map() to create an array with the new random positions for every index:

const getShuffledPosition = (arr) => { return [...Array(arr.length)].map((_, i) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)) ); }; /* [0, 2, 0, 1] swap item at: 1. index 0 with index 0 2. index 1 with index 2 3. index 2 with index 0 4. index 3 with index 1 */ getShuffledPosition(['🔵', '🔴', '🟡', '🟢']); getShuffledPosition(['🔵', '🔴', '🟡', '🟢']); // [0, 1, 1, 3] getShuffledPosition(['🔵', '🔴', '🟡', '🟢']); // [0, 0, 2, 1]

What about #2?

We’re outputting an array, but we can’t use map again because the transformation at each step depends on the full array and not just the current element.

So we’ll use reduce():

const shuffleUsingPositions = (arr) => getShuffledPosition(arr).reduce( (toShuffle, newPosition, originalIndex) => immutableSwap(toShuffle, originalIndex, newPosition), arr ); shuffleUsingPositions(['🔵', '🔴', '🟡', '🟢']) // [ '🔴', '🔵', '🟢', '🟡' ]

Not let’s de-abstract the immutable functions so we have a true and complete one-liner:

const shuffleArray = (arr) => [...Array(arr.length)] .map((_, i) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))) .reduce( (toShuffle, newPosition, originalIndex) => toShuffle.map((item, index) => index === originalIndex ? toShuffle[newPosition] : item === newPosition ? originalIndex : item ), arr );

Or – faster and more readable:

const shuffleArray = (arr) => [...Array(arr.length)] .map((_, i) => Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1))) .reduce( (toShuffle, newPosition, originalIndex) => Object.values({ ...toShuffle, [originalIndex]: toShuffle[newPosition], [newPosition]: toShuffle[originalIndex], }), arr );
shuffleArray(['🔵', '🔴', '🟡', '🟢']) // (3x) // [ '🟡', '🔴', '🔵', '🟢' ] // [ '🔴', '🟡', '🟢', '🔵' ] // [ '🟡', '🔵', '🔴', '🟢' ]

Just like you can always write a recursive algorithm as a loop, you can write every imperative iteration as a brilliant single-statement chain of array methods.

They all work perfectly.

VS Code: 5 rapid file creation tips for greater productivity

From painfully slow to lightning-fast, let’s look at all the 5 ways to create a file in VS Code.

And fastest way adds new files without having to use your mouse at all! We’ll see…

5. File > New File…

I’m pretty sure very few people use this apart from those who are new to text editors.

You move your mouse all the way up to File then click New File…

Then you’ve still got to enter the filename:

THEN, a file picker dialog for you to choose the folder – never mind VS Code having its own built-in file manager.

Before finally:

Create: New File

This is almost like the first, except you use the Create: New File from the Command Palette.

4. Double-click tab bar

Not many know about this method… double-clicking the file tab bar:

Ctrl + N

Or use the faster Ctrl + N keyboard shortcut.

So after Ctrl + N you either manually select a language:

Or you just start typing and wait for language auto-detection:

It’s useful when you don’t have any open project and you just want a quick file to work on.

You’re still got to save it though:

3. New File… icon button

This is one of the more popular ways; clicking the New File... icon button in the File Explorer Pane:

2. Double-click file explorer pane

This works great for top-level files.

1. A

Opening keyboard shortcuts like this:

And editing it like this:

To create files faster than ever at the single press of a key:

They all have different speeds but they’re all useful. VS Code’s vast versatility is unmatched.

17 lines of JS code became 1 line after this simple trick

How did these 17 lines of JavaScript code turn into a one-liner function?

It’s easy, you’ll see!

The 1st thing we notice is we’re selecting items from an array – this should NEVER take 3 lines in JavaScript!

We have the destructuring operator to turn this:

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = []; for (const line of lines) { const sourceDestination = line.split(' '); const source = sourceDestination[2]; const destination = sourceDestination[3]; const redirectObj = { source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, }; sourceDestinationList.push(redirectObj); } return sourceDestinationList; }

into this:

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = []; for (const line of lines) { // ✅ Skip 1st two with comma placeholders! const [, , source, destination] = line.split(' '); const redirectObj = { source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, }; sourceDestinationList.push(redirectObj); } return sourceDestinationList; }

What else is obvious? A loop and a gradual accumulation (with push).

Which means we’re easily cutting out statements here with map() or reduce():

reduce works well anywhere but map is the natural choice since 1 array clearly transforms to another here.

So we go from this:

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = []; for (const line of lines) { const [, , source, destination] = line.split(' '); const redirectObj = { source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, }; sourceDestinationList.push(redirectObj); } return sourceDestinationList; }

To this:

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = lines.map((line) => { // ✅ const [, , source, destination] = line.split(' '); const redirectObj = { source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, }; // ✅ return redirectObj; }); return sourceDestinationList; }

The declaration, for loop and push() have all been eradicated.

Now removing the temporary variable:

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = lines.map((line) => { const [, , source, destination] = line.split(' '); return { source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, }; }); return sourceDestinationList; }

And combining the last 2 statements in map‘s callback – without calling split() twice.

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = lines.map((line) => { return line.split(' ').reduce( (acc, curr, i) => { return i === 2 ? { ...acc, source: curr } : i === 3 ? { ...acc, destination: curr } : acc; }, { permanent: true } ); }); return sourceDestinationList; }

reduce() has a way of making your head spin!

Let’s go with this instead; much more readable:

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = lines .map((line) => { return line.split(' '); }) .map(([, , source, destination]) => { return { source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, }; }); return sourceDestinationList; }

Now we can remove the callback braces, from (a) => { return { b; } } to (a) => ({ b }):

function extractRedirects(str) { const lines = str.split('\n'); const sourceDestinationList = lines .map((line) => line.split(' ')) .map(([, , source, destination]) => ({ source: source, destination: destination, permanent: true, })); return sourceDestinationList; }

All that’s left now is to remove the 2 remaining temp vars and use implicit property values:

function extractRedirects(str) { return str .split('\n') .map((line) => line.split(' ')) .map(([, , source, destination]) => ({ source, // ✅ destination, // ✅ permanent: true, })); }

Arrow function:

const extractRedirects = (str) => str .split('\n') .map((line) => line.split(' ')) .map(([, , source, destination]) => ({ source, destination, permanent: true, }));

Yes refactors are fun; it’s fun to see the function gradually evolve and grow in a compact one-liner form.

And it wasn’t just for fancy; With it I moved a GIGANTIC amount of redirect information…

From painful, dinosaur WP Apache .htaccess:

They were way more than 5!

To lovely, modern next.config.js

And it worked perfectly.

The 7 most transformative JavaScript features from ES10

JavaScript has come a long way in the past 10 years with brand new feature upgrades in each one.

Still remember when we created classes like this?

function Car(make, model) { this.make = make; this.model = model; } // And had to join strings like this Car.prototype.drive = function() { console.log("Vroom! This " + this.make + " " + this.model + " is driving!"); };

Yeah, a lot has changed!

Let’s take a look at the 7 most significant features that arrived in ES10 (2019); and see the ones you missed.

1. Modularization on the fly: Dynamic imports

The ES10 year was the awesome year when import could now act as function, like require(). An async function.

Keeping imports at the top-level was no longer a must; We could now easily resolve the module’s name at compile time.

Loading modules optionally and only when absolutely needed for high-flying performance…

async function asyncFunc() { if (condition) { const giganticModule = await import('./gigantic-module'); } }

Loading modules based on user or variable input…

import minimist from 'minimist'; const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2)); viewModule(argv.name); async function viewModule(name) { const module = await import(name); console.log(Object.keys(module)); }

It’s also great for using ES modules that no longer support require():

// ❌ require() of ES modules is not supported const chalk = require('chalk'); console.log(chalk.blue('Coding Beauty')); (async () => { // ✅ Runs successfully const chalk = (await import('chalk')).default; console.log(chalk.blue('Coding Beauty')); })();

2. Flattening the curve

flat() and flatMap() gave much cleaner ways to easily flatten multidimensional arrays.

Eradicating the need for painful array-looping flattening code:

const colorSwatches = [ 'cream🟡', ['scarlet🔴', 'cherry🔴'], ['blue🔷', ['sky blue🟦', 'navy blue🔵']], ]; // Default depth of 1 console.log(colorSwatches.flat()); // ['cream🟡', 'scarlet🔴', 'cherry🔴', 'blue🔷', // ['sky blue🟦', 'navy blue🔵']] console.log(colorSwatches.flat(2)); // ['cream🟡', 'scarlet🔴', 'cherry🔴', 'blue🔷', // 'sky blue🟦', 'navy blue🔵']

flatMap() is as good as calling map(), then flat(1):

const colorSwatches = [ 'cream🟡', ['scarlet🔴', 'cherry🔴'], ['blue🔷', ['sky blue🟦', 'navy blue🔵']], ]; // map to get only the emoji console.log( colorSwatches.flatMap((color) => Array.isArray(color) ? color : color.slice(-2) ) ); // [ '🟡', 'cherry🔴', 'blue🔷', [ 'sky blue🟦', 'navy blue🔵' ] ]

3. Transform arrays to objects

ES10 was also when Object.fromEntries() arrived on the JavaScript scene.

Quickly convert list of key-value pairs to equivalent key-value object:

const entries = [ ['name', 'The Flash⚡'], ['realName', 'Barry Allen'], ['lightningColor', 'yellow🟡'], ['suitColor', 'red🔴'], ]; console.log(Object.fromEntries(entries)); /** { name: 'The Flash⚡', realName: 'Barry Allen', lightningColor: 'yellow🟡', suitColor: 'red🔴' } */

4. Clean up your strings with precisions

trimStart() and trimEnd().

Before now everyone was using trim from NPM – Happily adding 3.35KB to the project…

Even now:

But slowly losing popularity to .trim().

Then Array trim() came along, then trimStart() and trimEnd().

const fruits = ' pineapple🍍 '; console.log(fruits.trimStart()); // 'pineapple🍍 ' console.log(fruits.trimEnd()); // ' pineapple🍍' console.log(fruits.trim()); // 'pineapple🍍'

5. Catching errors without the baggage

With the new optional catch binding, you now safely omit the catch block’s error argument when you had nothing to do with it:

// ❌ Before ES10 try { iMayExplodeAnyMomentNow(); } catch (err) { // Or else error } // ✅ try { iMayExplodeAnyMomentNow(); } catch {}

6. Sorting without surprise

Stable Array sort.

Previously when sorting an array there was absolutely no way we could guarantee the arrangement of the equal elements.

But in the post-ES10 JS code here, we are 100% sure that react always comes before vue always comes before angular.

const geniusPortfolio = [ { tool: 'javascript', years: 2000, }, { tool: 'react', years: 1000 }, { tool: 'vue', years: 1000 }, { tool: 'angular', years: 1000 }, { tool: 'assembly', years: 7000 }, ]; const sortedDesc = geniusPortfolio.sort((a, b) => { return b.years - a.years; }); const sortedAsc = geniusPortfolio.sort((a, b) => { return a.years - b.years; });

7. Go big or go home: BigInts

The name BigInt gives it purpose away: For loading up on unbelievably humongous integer values:

const bigInt = 240389470239846028947208942742089724204872042n; const bigInt2 = BigInt( '34028974029641089471947861048917649816048962' ); console.log(typeof bigInt); console.log(bigInt); console.log(typeof bigInt2); console.log(bigInt2); console.log(bigInt * bigInt2);

Because normal integers can’t:

// ✖️ Stored as double const normalInt = 240389470239846028947208942742089724204872042; const normalInt2 = 34028974029641089471947861048917649816048962; console.log(typeof normalInt); console.log(normalInt); console.log(typeof normalInt2); console.log(normalInt2); // ✖️ Precision lost console.log(normalInt * normalInt2);

Final thoughts

ES10 marked a significant leap forward for JavaScript with several features that have become essential for modern development.

Use them write cleaner code with greater conciseness, expressiveness, and clarity.

New array slice notation in JavaScript – array[start:stop:step]

With this new slice notation you’ll stop writing code like this:

const decisions = [ 'maybe', 'HELL YEAH!', 'No.', 'never', 'are you fr', 'uh, okay?', 'never', 'let me think about it', ]; const some = decisions.slice(1, 4); console.log(some); // [ 'HELL YEAH!', 'No.', 'are you fr' ]

And start writing code like this:

const decisions = [ 'maybe', 'HELL YEAH!', 'No.', 'never', 'are you fr', 'uh, okay?', 'never', 'let me think about it', ]; const some = decisions[1:4]; console.log(some); // [ 'HELL YEAH!', 'No.', 'are you fr' ]

Much shorter, readable and intuitive.

And we don’t even have to wait till it officially arrives — we can have it right now.

By extending the Array class:

Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [start, end] = str.split(':').map(Number); return this.slice(start, end); }
const decisions = [ 'maybe', 'HELL YEAH!', 'No.', 'never', 'are you fr', 'uh, okay?', 'never', 'let me think about it', ]; const some = decisions.r('1:4'); console.log(some); // [ 'HELL YEAH!', 'No.', 'are you fr' ]

Slice it right to the end

Will it slice to the last item if we leave out the second number?

Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [start, end] = str.split(':').map(Number); return this.slice(start, end); }; const yumFruits = [ 'apple🍎', 'banana🍌', 'orange🍊', 'strawberry🍓', 'mango🥭', ]; const some = yumFruits.r('1:'); console.log(some);

It doesn’t?

Because end is empty string and Number('') is 0, so we have arr.slice(n, 0) which is always an empty array.

Let’s upgrade r() with this new ability:

Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [startStr, endStr] = str.split(':'); // 👇 Slice from start too const start = startStr === '' ? 0 : Number(startStr); // ✅ const end = endStr === '' ? this.length : Number(endStr); // ✅ return this.slice(start, end); }; const yumFruits = [ 'apple🍎', 'banana🍌', 'orange🍊', 'strawberry🍓', 'mango🥭', ]; console.log(yumFruits.r('1:')); console.log(yumFruits.r(':2')); console.log(yumFruits.r('1:3'));

Dealing with negativity

Can it handle negative indices?

const yumFruits = [ 'apple🍎', 'banana🍌', 'orange🍊', 'strawberry🍓', 'mango🥭', ]; console.log(yumFruits.r(':-2')); console.log(yumFruits.r('2:-1'));

It surely can:

The negative start or end is passed straight to slice() which already has built-in support for them.


We upgrade again to array[start:stop:step] – step for jumping across the array in constant intervals.

Like we see in Python (again):

Plain text
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] // Index 2 to 7, every 2 elements print(arr[2:7:2])

This time slice() has no built-in stepping support, so we use a good old for loop to quickly leap through the array.

Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [startStr, endStr, stepStr] = str.split(':'); const start = startStr === '' ? 0 : Number(startStr); // ⚒️ negative indexes const absStart = start < 0 ? this.length + start : start; const end = endStr === '' ? this.length : Number(endStr); const absEnd = end < 0 ? this.length + end : end; const step = stepStr === '' ? 1 : Number(stepStr); const result = []; for (let i = absStart; i < absEnd; i += step) { result.push(this[i]); } return result; }; const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; console.log(nums.r('2:7:2')); console.log(nums.r('8::1')); console.log(nums.r('-6::2')); console.log(nums.r('::3'));


Array reduce() does the exact same job elegant immutably.

I think there’s something about the function flow of data transformation that makes it elegant.


Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [startStr, endStr, stepStr] = str.split(':'); const start = startStr === '' ? 0 : Number(startStr); const absStart = start < 0 ? this.length + start : start; const end = endStr === '' ? this.length : Number(endStr); const absEnd = end < 0 ? this.length + end : end; const step = stepStr === '' ? 1 : Number(stepStr); const result = this.reduce( ( acc, cur, index ) => index >= absStart && index < absEnd && (index - absStart) % step === 0 ? [...acc, cur] : acc, [] ); return result; };

Flip the script

What about stepping backwards?

Of course Python has it:

Plain text
arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] print(arr[7:3:-1]) # [8, 7, 6, 5]

One thing you instantly notice here is start is greater than stop. This is a requirement for backward stepping.

Plain text
print(arr[3:7:-1]) # [] print(arr[7:3:1]) # []

Which makes sense: if you’re counting backwards you’re going from right to left so start should be more.

What do we do? Once again slice() does some of the heavy lifting for us…

We simply swap absStart and absEnd when step is negative

const [realStart, realEnd] = step > 0 ? [absStart, absEnd] : [absEnd, absStart]; // ❌ start > end (4:8), step: -1 -> (8:4) // ✅ end > start (7:3), step: -1 -> (3:7)

slice() returns an empty array when end > start:

const color = [ 'cream🟡', 'cobalt blue🔵', 'cherry🔴', 'celadon🟢', ]; console.log(color.slice(1, 3)); // [ 'cobalt blue🔵', 'cherry🔴' ] console.log(color.slice(3, 0)); // []

Now let’s combine everything together:

Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [startStr, endStr, stepStr] = str.split(':'); const start = startStr === '' ? 0 : Number(startStr); const step = stepStr === '' ? 1 : Number(stepStr); const absStart = start < 0 ? this.length + start : start; // 👇 count to start for empty end when step is negative const end = endStr === '' ? (step > 0 ? this.length : 0) : Number(endStr); const absEnd = end < 0 ? this.length + end : end; const [realStart, realEnd] = step > 0 ? [absStart, absEnd] : [absEnd, absStart]; const slice = this.slice(realStart, realEnd); // 👈 if (slice.length === 0) return []; // 👈 const result = []; // 👇 for ( let i = absStart; step > 0 ? i < absEnd : i > absEnd; i += step ) { result.push(this[i]); } return result; }; const nums = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; console.log(nums.r('2:7:2')); console.log(nums.r('-1:-7:-1')); console.log(nums.r('-7::-1')); console.log(nums.r('-5:9:-2')); console.log(nums.r('::3'));

We’ve come a long way! Remember how we started?

Array.prototype.r = function (str) { const [start, end] = str.split(':').map(Number); return this.slice(start, end); }

Yeah, and we didn’t even add any checks for wrong types and edge cases. And it goes without saying that I spent more than a few minutes debugging this…

And just imagine how it would be if we add multi-dimensional array support like in numpy:

import numpy as np sensor_data = np.array([ [10, 20, 30], [40, 50, 60], [70, 80, 90] ]) temperatures = sensor_data[:, 1] print(temperatures) # [20 50 80]

But with our new Array r() method, we’ve successfully brought Python’s cool array slicing notation to JavaScript.

7 little-known console methods in JavaScript

There’s more to console methods than log error and warn.

Did you know they’re actually up to 20?

And they do way more than logging text: colorful🎨 data visualization, debugging🔎, performance⚡ testing and so much more.

Check out these powerful 7:

1. table()

console.table(): Easily display object array as table: one row per object; one col per prop.

const fruits = [ { name: 'Mango', ripeness: 10, sweetness: '😋', }, { name: 'Banana', ripeness: 6, sweetness: '😏', }, { name: 'Watermelon', ripeness: 8, sweetness: '🤔', }, ]; console.table(fruits);

A bit different on Node:

Both clearly better than using console.log():

2. trace()

Where did we come from on the call stack? Let’s trace() our steps back!

Fantastic for debugging:

function coder() { goodCoder(); } function goodCoder() { greatCoder(); } function greatCoder() { greatSuperMegaGeniusCoder(); } function greatSuperMegaGeniusCoder() { console.log( "You only see the greatness now, but it wasn't always like this!" ); console.log( 'We\'ve been coding for generations -- let me show you...' ); console.trace(); } coder();

3. count()

console.count() logs the number of times that the current call to count() has been executed.

Too indirect and recursive a definition for me! You may need to see an example to really get it…

function shout(message) { console.count(); return message.toUpperCase() + '!!!'; } shout('hey'); shout('hi'); shout('hello');

console.count() has an internal counter starting at 0. After each call it increments the counter by 1 and logs it…

Much better.

Where did default come from? That’s the label for the counter. I’m guessing there’s an internal dictionary with a counter value for each label key.

console.count() has an internal counter starting at 0 for a new label. After each call it increments the counter by 1 and logs it…

We easily customize the label with the 1st argument to count().

function shout(message) { console.count(message); return message.toUpperCase() + '!!!'; } shout('hey'); shout('hi'); shout('hello'); shout('hi'); shout('hi'); shout('hello');

Now we have a different count for each message.

So countReset() obviously resets a label’s internal counter to 0.

function shout(message) { console.count(message); return message.toUpperCase() + '!!!'; } shout('hi'); shout('hello'); shout('hi'); shout('hi'); shout('hello'); console.log('resetting hi'); console.countReset('hi'); shout('hi');

4. clear()

CLS for JavaScript.

5. time() + timeLog() + timeEnd()

They work together to precisely measure how long a task takes.

57 microseconds, 11 seconds, 50 years? No problem.

  • time() – start the timer.
  • timeLog() – how far has it gone?
  • timeEnd() – stop the timer.

Let’s use them to compare the speed of all the famous JavaScript loop types.

console.time('for'); for (let i; i < 1000; i++) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++); } console.timeLog('for'); for (let i; i < 1000000; i++) { for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++); } console.timeEnd('for'); const arr1000 = [...Array(1000)]; const arr1000000 = [...Array(1000000)]; console.time('for of'); for (const item of arr1000); console.timeLog('for of'); for (const item of arr1000000); console.timeEnd('for of'); console.time('forEach'); arr1000.forEach(() => {}); console.timeLog('forEach'); arr1000000.forEach(() => {}); console.timeEnd('forEach');

for starts out slow but it destroys the other as the list grows…

6. group() + groupCollapsed() + groupEnd()

Another great combo for grouping a bunch of console messages together; visually with indentation and functionally with a UI expander.

  • group() – adds 1 further grouping level.
  • groupCollapsed() – like group() but group starts out collapsed.
  • groupEnd() – go back to previous grouping level.
console.log('What can we do?'); console.group('Abilities'); console.log('Run👟 - solid HIIT stuff'); console.groupCollapsed('Code💻'); console.log('JavaScript'); console.log('Python'); console.log('etc of course'); console.groupEnd(); console.log('Eat🍉 - not junk tho...');

Just indentation on Node – so groupCollapsed() has no use here.

7. dir()

dir() is a genius way to inspect an object in the console and see ALL it’s properties and methods.

Actually just like console.log()? 🤔 But console.dir() is specially designed for this particular purpose.

But watch what happens when you log() vs dir() HTML element objects:

log() shows it as a HTML tag hierarchy, but dir() shows it as an object with every single property it has and could ever dream of having.

Final thoughts

So they’re plenty of console methods apart from console.log(). Some of them spice things up in the console UI with better visualization; others are formidable tools for debugging and performance testing.

Essential VS Code tips & extensions for power zooming

As expected VS Code has the basic zoom in & out in every text editor.

But they’re some hidden gems to quickly level up your zoom game once found.

Dig into the command palette and you’ll find Font zooming – zooming just the code without the rest of the editor UI.

Pretty cool – did you know about this?

Zoom with scroll

Easily adjust zoom with Ctrl + mouse scroll:

After turning on the Editor: Mouse Wheel Zoom setting:

Powerful zoom extensions

The VS marketplace is packed full with powerful, capable extensions that boost various aspects of your workflow.

For zooming, there’s none better to start with than Zoom Bar:

The first thing you notice right away after install: the exact zoom level now shows up in the status bar:

+ and - buttons are obviously to zoom in and out.

Select the zoom percentage and this dialog appears:

Tons of pre-defined zoom options to choose from.

Just as you can see your exact zoom, you can also set it precisely with Input zoom:

Why not? 😏

And what about zooming just the terminal font?

There’s an extension for that too:

At the bottom-right you can clearly see the displayed terminal font.

My status bar has gotten semi-painfully humongous now, but it’s clear how useful these upgrades are… They were always great for taking screenshots when I used a 768p PC.

An of course: laser-precise focus on specific lines, syntax, and details without straining your eyes. Or whatever other reason you need to zoom for.

Never use magic numbers in your code: Do this instead

You can never guess what this does 👇

function c(a) { return a / 13490190; } const b = c(40075); console.log(p); // 0.002970677210624906

All we see is a calculation. We have no idea what those numbers and variables mean in the bigger picture of the codebase.

It’s a mystery. It’s magic to everyone apart from the developer who wrote the code.

We can’t possibly make any contributions to this code; we’re stuck.

But what if our dev had looked beyond code that merely works and also focused on communicating the full story of the code?

At the very least they would have given those variables far more descriptive names to explain the context:

function calculateSpeedstersTime(distance) { return distance / 13490190; } const time = calculateSpeedstersTime(40075); console.log(time); // 0.002970677210624906

This small change vastly improves the code’s readability. Now you have a general idea of what’s going on.

But there are still mysteries we must solve.

It’ll still take us a little bit to realize 13490190 is speed — but how much speed?. And we know 40075 is a distance, but why 40075 of all the numbers?

For maximum readability we replace these magic numbers with variables with explanatory names

const speedstersSpeedKmPerHr = 13490190; const earthCircumferenceKm = 40075; function calculateSpeedstersTime(distance) { return distance / speedstersSpeedKmPerHr; } const time = calculateSpeedstersTime(earthCircumferenceKm); console.log(time); // 0.002970677210624906 ~ 11s

Now you understand every single thing this code does at a glance.

Understanding at a glance is always the goal.

Even with readable code…

Anyone can understand this TS code here; but there’s a serious issue that could easily lead us to hours-long bug hunting.

Can you spot it?

class Person { state: string; name: string; greet() { console.log(`Hey I'm ${this.name}`); } eatFood() { if (this.state === 'tired') { this.state = 'fresh'; } } exercise() { if (this.state === 'fresh') { this.state = 'tired'; } } }

Problem: We’re lousily checking the state for equality and assigning with magic strings again and again.

Repeating ourselves, and allow a mere typo to break this code in the future. And the bug won’t always be easy to spot like it would be in this tiny code.

That’s why we have union types; similar to enums in TypeScript and other languages.

class Person { name: string; // ✅ Only 3 values, not infinite state: 'tired' | 'fresh' | 'sleepy'; greet() { console.log(`Hey I'm ${this.name}`); } eatFood() { if (this.state === 'tired') { this.state = 'fresh'; } } exercise() { // ✅ Typo: Error thrown if (this.state === 'fres') { this.state = 'tired'; } } }

Now 'tired' and 'fresh' are no longer random string literals. They’re now registered values of a pre-defined type.

And this is one of the powerful advantages TypeScript has over regular JS.

We even have this exact type of issue in a Dart codebase I’m part of. We’ve used the same magic strings like 10 times each.

But Dart only has enums and it’s not so easy to convert from magic strings to enums like we did here with union types. So we better refactor before it comes back to bite us!

The only thing that remains constant…

Keep using magic values and they keep spreading throughout the codebase across more and more files.

Replacing them is a chore.

// email.js export function sendEmail({ username }) { emailApi.send({ title: `Hi ${username ?? 'User'}`, role: 'user' // Union type value }); } // user-info.jsx export function UserInfo({ user }) { return ( <div> <div>Name: {user.name ?? 'User'}</div> <div>Email: {user.email}</div> </div> ); }

What happens when you want to change the default user name to something else but you’ve got the 'User' magic string in over 15 files?

Even Find and Replace will be tricky because they could be other strings with the same value but no relation.

We can fix this issue by creating a separate global config file containing app-wide values like this:

// app-values.js export const DEFAULT_USERNAME = 'User'; // ✅ Only one place to change // email.js import { DEFAULT_USERNAME } from './app-values'; export function sendEmail({ username, role }) { emailApi.send({ message: `Hi ${username ?? DEFAULT_USERNAME}`, // ✅ role: role ?? 'user', }); } // user-info.jsx import { DEFAULT_USERNAME } from './app-values'; export default function UserInfo({ user }) { return ( <div> <div>Name: {user.name ?? DEFAULT_USERNAME}</div> // ✅ <div>Email: {user.email}</div> </div> ); }

Final thoughts

Banish magic numbers and strings from your JavaScript code for clarity, maintainability, and efficiency.

By adopting these practices you pave the way for code that is not only functional but also self-documenting, collaborative, and resilient in the face of change.