How to create a type from type or object keys or values in TypeScript

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Create type from object keys in TypeScript

To create a type from an object’s keys in TypeScript, use the keyof typeof object. For example:

const brand = { name: 'Coding Beauty', domain: '', color: 'blue', }; // 👇 type Keys = 'name' | 'domain' | 'color'; type BrandKeys = keyof typeof brand;

With this, you’ll have a type that only accepts strings matching the key name, and your code editor’s intellisense should indicate:

The new type only accepts values matching the object's keys.
The new type only accepts values matching the object’s keys.

Create type from another type’s keys in TypeScript

We use typeof because brand is an instance object, not a type. If it was a type, we would omit typeof:

type Brand = { name: string; domain: string; color: string; }; // 👇 type Keys = 'name' | 'domain' | 'color'; type BrandKeys = keyof Brand;

As before, you’ll have a type that only contains strings matching the key name, and your code editor should detect this:

The new type only accepts values matching the first type's keys.
The new type only accepts values matching the first type’s keys.

Create type from object values in TypeScript

We can use typeof and type indexing to easily create a type from an object’s values in TypeScript:

const site = { url: '', color: 'blue', topic: 'coding', } as const; // 👈 const assertion // 👇 type Values = '' | 'color' | 'coding' type Values = (typeof site)[keyof typeof site];

We this, we’ll have a type that only accepts strings matching the values of the object:

The new type only accepts values matching the object's values.
The new type only accepts values matching the object’s values.

Otherwise, there’ll be a TypeScript error

You can only values matching the object's values to the new type.

Create generic type from object values in TypeScript

The as const is called a const assertion in TypeScript. It tells the compiler to infer the most specific type possible from an expression. Without it, the inferred value type will be a primitive, like string or number or union of these primitives – string | number for example.

const site = { url: '', color: 'blue', topic: 'coding', }; // 👇 type Values = 'string' type Values = (typeof site)[keyof typeof site]; // 👇 No error - `Values` takes any string const testObj: Values = 'random string';

Values is no different from the string type here, and VS Code confirms it:

The Values type is a string.
The Values type is a string.

If there are multiple primitive types, the resulting generic type will be a union of all those primitives:

const site = { url: '', age: 1000, // 👈 also `number` type now topic: 'coding', }; // 👇 type Values = 'string' | number type Values = (typeof site)[keyof typeof site]; // 👇 No error const testObj: Values = 34124;
The Values type is a string | number type.
The Values type is a string | number type.

Create generic type from another type’s values in TypeScript

You can also create generic types from another type’s values in TypeScript, like this:

type Site = { url: ''; age: number; topic: string; }; // 👇 type Site = 'string' | 'number' type Values = Site[keyof Site];
The Values type comes from the Site type's values.
The Values type comes from the Site type’s values.

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